Lavitz Slambert
Legend of Dragoon (LoD)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 3.65
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Like any true knight, Lavitz lives and dies by his friendships. His lord, Albert, could always trust Lavitz to accomplish his goal, and while they only knew each other a brief time, the bond between Lavitz and the young adventurer Dart have been sung in tales far and wide. Yes, Lavitz lead a good life, a proud and powerful warrior even before being chosen as the Jade Dragoon. In that role he was practically invincible, the impregnable armor of the dragoon backed by the might of Rose Storm. All these tools make him a challenging wall indeed for any that hope to stand against him in the Duelling League, and while one can never be certain of the future, Lavitz' seems positively bright.

Season 29 Week 2 Heavy Defeated by Angela, 47 to 20
Season 48 Week 1 Heavy Defeated by Beowulf Kadmus, 36 to 9
Downgraded to Middle