Final Fantasy IX (FF9)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.73
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Marcus is a creepy looking fellow, a kidnapper, and a thief. No one surpasses his abilities… except 95% of the DL. While Marcus is great in his utter inability to duel, he is an excellent con artist and thief. His ability to destroy small children and dogs in the DL is pretty impressive, at least. He truly looks stylish as he smites the weakest members of Light, and no taunting of him or his cast can possibly take that away. Now, all he needs to get is a win, and he’ll truly take his place in the duelling league.

Season 18 Week 2 Light Defeated by Chaz, 33 to 17
Season 36 Week 1 Light Defeated by Miki, 71 to 23