Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.79
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

'Starving artist'. Never has there been a character who fits this term more than Van. This poor, sarcastic, and extremely cynical miser of a kid had been forced to grow up a wee bit too early and take responsibility for himself after his mother died. On second thought, I take it back. His father Gogh easily beats him in that regard, but Van still outstarves the other PC artists out there.

Thankfully, the problems of landlords kicking them out of their house and finding their next meal are things of the past after Van was hired as a dueller by the DL. While most of his abilities have been made almost worthless due to the stringent rules of the League, Van is still determined to prove his worth with his boomerang skills. His family's income depends on it, after all.

Season 33 Week 2 Light Defeated by Belle, 50 to 19