Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.93
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

1985- Ice Climber was released, the game featured vegetables waiting to be picked up by the two protagonists, Popo and Nana. Alas, said vegetables served no importance to the game, aside from being items to pick up for points. In this game, the vegetables had eyes.

1987- Doki Doki Panic is made, a game with characters picking up faced vegetables that are used as weapons. This game will later be released in the States as Super Mario Bros. 2. Vegetables are made more integral to the plot, as they represent the cursed people of dream land. In this game, the vegetables now have mouths

1993- Ogre Battle is placed in stores. Vegetables in the form of Pumpkinheads are used as units in your army. While not as integral to the plot, they become your enemies as an eccentric witch uses them against you. They will later become valuable assets to your army. Much like the Jack-o-lanters, Pumpkinheads spout noses along with their other facial features.

2000- American gamers buy Chrono Cross, and marvel as Serge, with the help of long-time ally Poshul, finally digs out Turnip, the epitome of veggiehood in RPGs with his amount of plot importance and actual body to go with his head. Wieilding the abilities of a plant to split and instantly change sizes, and the ability of a human to use opposable thumbs, there is no one that Turnip can't overcome! With sword in hand and cape a-flourish, he shall help flowers in distress and vanquish the evils of returning bosses!

Listen people of the DL, you have trodden, eaten, and even publicly cooked the denizens of the vegetable kingdom! But heed these words... Turnip, the mighty champion of greenery, shall tear you plant-murdering fertilizers asunder!

Season 42 Week 1 Light Defeated by Kiwi, 27 to 16