Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 1.96
Wins: 0
Losses: 1

Say what you will about Chrono Cross, it strives to cover all the minority groups when it comes to Playable Characters. Not only does Serge have the usual assortment of aliens, cave people, cyborgs, furries and undead in his team, but he also hires parts of the scenery! Take Neo-Fio for example, a genetic experiment of Luccia formerly doomed to only live the life of an innocuous flower in Viper Mansion. Most mains would have just ignored her, left to live forever as part of the lifeless, if pretty, background. But not Serge! Oh no, he went out of his way to bring her to life, and ask her to join the fight to enforce the laws of temporal physics!

And what a fighter she turned out to be! With bullet-like seeds and vampiric tendrils that sucks the HP out of her opponents, this little flower is one heck of a killer in the Light division!

Season 28 Week 1 Light Defeated by Hervey, 54 to 12