Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Light
Ranking: 2.44
Wins: 1
Losses: 2

Sometimes, you just have to pity Serge. His requisite childhood friend and sweetheart is one of those bossy redhead types who orders him around. Feed Poshul, Serge! Massage my smelly feet, Serge! Kill some endangered Komodo Dragon babies and make a necklace from their bloody remains, Serge! It's enough to drive your normal silent main (who couldn't complain due to obvious reasons) nuts!

Thankfully, that's Home World Leena. Another World Leena, the Leena who travels across alternate dimensions with Serge, only thinks he's insane due to the entire "claiming to be a boy who died" thing. Definitely preferable to the other one.

Amazingly, despite being a normal village girl, Leena's pretty skilled in battle. Oh sure, she fights by slapping her enemies and hitting them over the head with frying pans, but she's also quite the adept blue elemental mage. And with Maiden Heart letting her use her spells and techs more than once, those expecting to fight a mere slip of a girl are in for a nasty surprise.

Season 26 Week 1 Light Defeated by Sigurd, 45 to 23
Season 55 Week 1 Light Defeated Flonne, 25 to 17
Season 55 Week 3 Light Defeated by Zhuzhen Liu, 36 to 15