Chrono Cross (CC)

Division: Middle
Ranking: 2.88
Wins: 0
Losses: 2

Every RPG needs a spunky animal-girl to serve double duty as mascot and fanservice, and the eternally cheerful Janice certainly fits this role in Chrono Cross. As the former Grand Slam champion, this bunny girl possesses the heart and energy of master monster trainers the multiverse over, overriding even the constant gloom and doom that hangs over the average demi-human.

Unfortunately, since she can't use her monsters outside of the Grand Slam tournament, she can't use them in the DL either. Of course, since she doesn't really need them to kick some butt, that fact won't keep this girl down for long. Armed with her powerful Beta Carotene, her water summoning drum, and her strong competitive spirit, she can more than hold her own in the duelling field.

Season 11 Week 1 Middle Defeated by Zalbard, 25 to 4
Season 61 Week 2 Middle Defeated by Blastoise, 22 to 5
Season 61 Week 7 Middle Defeated by Lucia, 15 to 10