Arc the Lad 4 (AtL4)

Division: Unranked
Ranking: 2.32
Wins: 1
Losses: 1

Ganz once gave up on fighting, but after learning of his friend Rapier’s death at the hands of the cruel Deimos Darc and Delma, he decided to go after them in his lust for revenge. He is honorable, at least to the humans of the game, and he likens himself to someone with a strong sense of justice. He has all kinds of buffs to use at his discretion, including raising his own attack and defense. He has some healing as well, but most of his dueling game is hitting things with his really big axe and hoping for the best. For now, however, he's content to watch the matches from the sidelines.

Season 11 Week 2 Light Defeated Claude, 13 to 12
Season 11 Week 3 Light Defeated by Randi, 13 to 8
Fighter is currently not ranked