Author Topic: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy  (Read 1164 times)


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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:39:17 AM »
So...I started this a while back, got stats down, then...decided to stop working on it because I am stupid like that.  Recently went "I should finish this damn thing" and thus, sort of did!  A few things need to be done but they will be added in due time but here's the BARE BONES VERISON THAT IS MORE MEATY THAN THAT BUT QUIET! THIS IS CHIBIS!

Theatrhythm is a Rhythm game starring the FF cast.  You make a party of 4 characters, give them abilities, equip an item, etc, and go play music.  The characters don't really matter for score or Rhythm purposes, but they do have effects in odd ways. At set intervals, a Special Section of silver notes kicks in, which if you do good enough then, you activate the special mode, which are gold notes, and I will explain them in the songs themselves.

FOR THE RECORD, this is the 3DS version only.  I don't know what the iOS changed if anything for pre-existing characters, and don't know what the new characters are like.  If iOS version hasn't changed any pre-existing content, and new characters are in the same format, someone else can go ahead and get those additions!  As it stands, 3DS ONLY RIGHT NOW!

The levels you can get are:
Miss: Failure to activate a note. No points, and you take damage for every failure.
Bad: Bare minimum timing; gets you points, but generally has the same downsides as a Miss.
Good: Hit note with correct timing; good things can occur.
Great: Hit note with better timing, same positive effects as Good, sometimes amplified.
Critical: "Perfect" timing, same as good but with greatly amplified results sometimes, highest score, etc.  You want these!

So anytime you see ">=Good" it means "Good, Great or Critical"; additionally, anything >=Good will continue your "Chain" which increases your score per note.  Likewise, <=Bad means "Bad or Miss" and both reset your Chain to 1.  Your chain increases by 1 for every >=Good Note you get in a row.

The game has 3 styles of Music:

Field Music Scenes (FMS): Overworld themes and the like.  The character runs across the bottom.  In Dark Notes, if you cover enough distance (based on both how good you are at the song and your stats), you can access a Boss 2/3 for better rewards in the subsequent song.  The Special Section activates a Chocobo, which can be varying speeds, and runs much faster than your character does, until the Special Mode is done.  You can randomly meet moogles for items, and sometimes meet a random character (generally the 2ndary character of that game, provided they aren't in your team, so Seifer for FF8's Blue Fields, for example.)  On <=Bad, character can stumble, and thus slows down; sometimes they will fall, and your character will be replaced with another character. 

Battle Music Scenes (BMS): Characters fight monsters with your team of 4.  Notes will come based on each Row, and every success has the character attack (...ideally; sometimes notes come too fast they can't keep up!)  Do enough damage, Monster dies, replaced with new monster.  Every 4th monster is a "Boss" which offers greater rewards, Experience etc.  The Special Section, upon success, activates a Summon, which does ludicrous amounts of damage at the end of the Gold Notes.  Damage CAN carry overflow and hurt subsequent enemies.  The better you are, the better enemies you are likely to face (in the case of Dark Notes, better chance you'll face Boss 3, which has the best rewards.)

Event Music Scenes (EMS): Basically various scenes from the home game play and you just tap notes and THIS IS HARDER THAN IT SOUNDS! Special Mode activates "Extended Version" which lets you see an extended version of the song; failing to activate that means the song ends early (thus killing your score potential too...)  Yeah, these basically exist for the pretty cut scene nostalgia nonsense <_<

NOTE: Special mode is not the real name, I'm just blanking and too lazy to look up; will get official names in due time!

Characters have 6 core stats, they are:

HP: Lose this, song ends.  Note HP is pooled together into one resource, so doesn't matter who gets hit (outside of skills); basically this stat is more "How much they contribute to durability."  This caps at 9999.
CP: Skills need points to equip, this is how many you can spend!  Yeah it's basically FF9's system all over again.  This caps at 50 (everyone hits this by Level 99 as you'll see.)
Str: How much damage you do on basic and physical attacks in BMS.  This caps at 255.
Mag: How much damage you do with magical attacks in BMS; I think it also effects how much damage your summon does by pooling everyone's stat together.  This caps at 255.
Agl: How fast you move in an FMS; the higher this is, the more ground you cover.  This caps at 255.
Luck: Chances of getting items in just about any stage.  Items are to be used in OTHER maps and can only one can be equipped at a time, and only usable once per stage.  This caps at 255.

Skills are divided into two sections: Reactive (Blue) and Proactive (Green.)  Reactive skills generally have triggers that set them off while Proactive are always active.  I have divided them up for everyone so there's really no need to worry about what is what.

Every character has a predefined set of skills.  Reactive slots can only equip Reactive skills, Proactive can only equip Proactive, and Mixed can equip anything.  As a side note, I originally listed character skills by color, realize that could get confusing, so just said screw it and just used common terminology.  It's pretty straight forward, just know that "Mixed has no downsides whatsoever and are awesome slots, WORSHIP THE MIXED SLOTS!"

Character stats are listed at both Level 60 and Level 99.  Level 60 is about when stat growth slows down a lot...or maybe that's level 50, I forget, but more importantly, that's just a random level I took because a number of characters were past 50 when I started taking stats, so good round number.  Level 99 because hitting that isn't as hard as it sounds, and it works as an FYI.

The format is:
Stat: Lv60 (Lv99)

Additionally, any italicized skills are ones NOT learned by level 60, for people who want to hold them to those standards.

Ok, enough introductory garbage, I give you...THE WORKING STAT TOPIC! *cue evil laughter and cackling*

Warrior of Light
HP: 6717 (8666)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 179 (229)
Mag: 115 (147)
Agl: 123 (158)
Luck: 123 (157)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Protect Lv1: 15% damage reduction if HP<80%, 7 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Class Change: After a chain of 70, damage reduced by 50% for rest of fight, 20 CP

HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Strength Up Lv3: Str +65, Agl -120, physical damage increased by 50%, 16 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv2: Agl+30, additional +45 during FMS, 10 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP
Sacrifice Lv1: Str +30, HP-500, 5 CP
Sacrifice Lv2: Str +50, HP-750, 10 CP
Sacrifice Lv3: Str +95, HP-1200, 16 CP

Comments: With the stats, skills and slots all working together, WoL is one of the best physical fighters in the game, being a definite strong choice for set ups that want to barrel through enemies. Class Change is sadly a waste as defensive skills are best used when you're in trouble, and it only activates if you don't suck, which sort of is a conflicting message.  Nonetheless, definitely a good character.

HP: 4460 (5755)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 188 (241)
Mag: 103 (131)
Agl: 171 (219)
Luck: 148 (189)
Skill Slots: Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv3: Medium Physical damage every 14 Hold notes >=Good, 9 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Blood Weapon: After a chain of 50, each >=Good will restore health, 18 CP

Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Strength Up Lv3: Str +65, Agl -120, physical damage increased by 50%, 16 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during EMS, 5 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during EMS, 10 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during EMS, 15 CP
Lance Lv1: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a low amount of HP, 8 CP
Lance Lv2: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a medium amount of HP, 14 CP
Lance Lv3: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a high amount of HP, 20 CP

Comments: Firion is a lot like WoL in the whole Fighter department.  Durability is worse, but he's got good speed for FMS...except that he hamstrings his speed with Strength Up, which defeats the purpose, so he's technically worse but if you're crushing enemies, durability doesn't matter.  Blood Weapon kind of has the same issue as Class Change, if not as pronounced.

Onion Knight
HP: 3813 (4920)
CP: 46 (50)
Str: 85 (109)
Mag: 159 (204)
Agl: 190 (243)
Luck: 131 (168)
Skill Slots: 1 Proactive, 3 Mixed

Mirage Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 3 CP
Mirage Lv2: 50% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 5 CP
Mirage Lv3: 80% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 7 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Ninjutsu: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str and Agl, 18 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Regen Lv2: Every >=Good Trigger heals a medium amount of HP, 25 CP
Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Agility Up Lv3: Agl +100 Str -40, 14 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Hastemarch Lv1: +10 Agl to entire party, song, 7 CP
Hastermarch Lv2
Sacrifice Lv1: Str +30, HP-500, 5 CP
Sacrifice Lv2: Str +50, HP-750, 10 CP
Vigilance: Prevents character replacement once in an FMS should they fall, 4 CP

Comment: The idea here feels like some sort of Red Mage figure who is really fast thus good for FMS.  The problem?  He's kind of really bad at combat.  His best spells are level 1's, no ways to really augment them, Sacrifice is a poor-man's Strength Up, durability stinks so can't be used for defensive builds.  Ninjutsu is his only saving grace and there are way better Limits than his.  Why do I not give him enough credit despite the good FMS build? You'll find out in due time!

Cecil Harvey
HP: 7638 (9855)
CP: 46 (50)
Str: 115 (147)
Mag: 136 (174)
Agl: 108 (138)
Luck: 119 (152)
Skill Slots: 3 Reactive, 1 Proactive

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Curaga: 40% Healing if HP<50%, OPB, 25 CP
Protect Lv1: 15% damage reduction if HP<80%, 7 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Soul Shift: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str and Mag, 18 CP

HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Dark Lv1: Str +25, damage taken increased by 10%, 5 CP
Dark Lv2: Str +45, damage taken increased by 20%, 10 CP
Dark Lv3: Str +75, damage taken increased by 20%, 16 CP

Comment: So the Paladin Tank of FF4 using Attack Magic.  Yeah, don't ask, I don't get it either.  To his credit, he has incredible HP and some defensive skills to compliment it, and can actually do something during BMS, and Soul Shift isn't too bad.  The problem?  He's kind of middling at everything, with no way to really focus on one area, and this is a game that favors specialization, at least as far as BMS goes.

Bartz Klauser
HP: 5039 (6502)
CP: 46 (50)
Str: 107 (136)
Mag: 141 (180)
Agl: 184 (235)
Luck: 144 (184)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 2 Mixed

Mimic: After 125 >=Good, uses last ability triggered in battle, 8 CP
Escape Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 2 CP
Escape Lv2: 55% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 3 CP
Escape Lv3: 85% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 4 CP
Calm: First <=Bad will not slow down chocobo, 6 CP
Sic Lv1: 30% chance of first <=Bad leading to Chocobo running at Max speed, 10 CP
Sic Lv2: 60% chance of first <=Bad leading to Chocobo running at Max speed, 15 CP
Dash Lv1: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a low amount, 8 CP
Dash Lv2: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a medium amount, 12 CP
Dash Lv3: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a high amount, 16 CP
Master Mime: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str, Agl, and Luck 18 CP

Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Agiltiy Up Lv3
Earth Blues Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during BMS, 5 CP
Earth Blues Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during BMS, 10 CP
Earth Blues Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during BMS, 15 CP
Sight Lv1: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 7%, 16 CP
Sight Lv2: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 15%, 24 CP
Sight Lv3: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 25%, 34 CP
Vigilance: Prevents character replacement once in an FMS should they fall, 4 CP

Comment: Well, Master Mime is ok I guess!  Yeah, he's kind of got the same issues Onion Knight has, except built for FMS maps even more so, making him even less useful in BMS.  This is scarcely a good thing, and Bartz is no exception!

Terra Branford
HP: 2939 (3792)
CP: 48 (50)
Str: 80 (102)
Mag: 175 (224)
Agl: 144 (185)
Luck: 145 (187)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Pray Lv2: 70% chance of 70% healing at halfway point, 27 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Firaga: High Magic attack every 38 Touch Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzaga: High Magic attack every 20 Hold Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thundaga: High Magic attack every 28 Slide Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Trance: Magic damage triples after a 30 chain for rest of fight, 16 CP

Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
Magic Up Lv2: Mag +40, Str -20, 8 CP
Magic Up Lv3: Mag +60, Str -30, 14 CP
Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv1: +20 Mag to entire party, song, 7 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv2: +25 Mag to entire party, song, 10 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv3: +30 Mag to entire party, song, 15 CP

Comment: You may have noticed that I mock FMS builds, and even sort of brushed off Firion's killing of his own speed in favor of Strength Up build.  Well, Terra's kind of the reason why.  With her base speed not failing and Agility Up, Terra ends up being just fast enough to reach the "end" of any FMS.  Now, consider that she's also probably the best mage in the game thanks to Trance and all the right skills to back it up, she's capable of being useful in BMS.  Durability is awful, but if you're going for a damage build, that implies you don't suck at the song, thus won't be needing it.  Definitely one of the better characters in the game.

Cloud Strife
HP: 6694 (8638)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 188 (240)
Mag: 139 (177)
Agl: 142 (182)
Luck: 87 (111)
Skill Slots: 1 Proactive, 2 Mixed

Weapon Break Lv1: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a low amount, 3 CP
Weapon Break Lv2: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a medium amount, 6 CP
Weapon Break Lv3: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a high amount, 10 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv2: Medium Physical damage every 14 Hold notes >=Good, 9 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Omnislash: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str, 18 CP

HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Strength Up Lv3: Str +65, Agl -120, physical damage increased by 50%, 16 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv2: Agl+30, additional +45 during FMS, 10 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP
Lance Lv1: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a low amount of HP, 8 CP
Lance Lv2: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a medium amount of HP, 14 CP
Lance Lv3: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a high amount of HP, 20 CP

Cloud: Very strong case for best character in the game, Cloud has all the strong points of WoL and Firion, AND adds on Omnislash, a damned effective limit good for butchering bosses, which is overall more useful than Focus 3 (their "go to" reactive.)  If being the best Fighter in the game wasn't good enough, Cloud can also be used instead as an FMS character who is competent at combat by giving him Wind Rhapsody.  That's TWO strong builds he can focus on, with two niches, hard pressed to find a better character.

Squall Leonhart
HP: 5133 (6623)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 156 (199)
Mag: 157 (201)
Agl: 123 (157)
Luck: 132 (172)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Weapon Break Lv1: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a low amount, 3 CP
Weapon Break Lv2: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a medium amount, 6 CP
Weapon Break Lv3: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a high amount, 10 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv2: Medium Physical damage every 14 Hold notes >=Good, 9 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Lion Heart: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str, Agl, and Luck, 18 CP

Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Sacrifice Lv1: Str +30, HP-500, 5 CP
Sacrifice Lv2: Str +50, HP-750, 10 CP
Sacrifice Lv3: Str +95, HP-1200, 16 CP

Comment: Squall is like Cloud-lite; he gets the first two levels of Strength Up, but not the 3rd, but makes up for it with Lionheart to some degree.  This makes him much closer to WoL/Firion than he'd first appear as a result, thus a potential alternative to either if you want more damage.

Zidane Tribal
HP: 4173 (5384)
CP: 44 (50)
Str: 144 (184)
Mag: 112 (144)
Agl: 194 (248)
Luck: 139 (177)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 2 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Steal Lv1: 10% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 16 CP
Steal Lv2: 20% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 20 CP
Steal Lv3: 30% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 24 CP
Escape Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 2 CP
Escape Lv2: 55% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 3 CP
Escape Lv3: 85% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 4 CP
Grand Lethal: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str and Level, 18 CP

Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP
Earth Blues Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during BMS, 5 CP
Earth Blues Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during BMS, 10 CP
Earth Blues Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during BMS, 15 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv1: +15 Str for entire party, song, 7 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv2: +20 Str for entire party, song, 10 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv3: +25 Str for entire party, song, 15 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv1: +12 to all stats to entire party, song, 18 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv2: +18 to all stats to entire party, song, 26 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv3: +24 to all stats to entire party, song, 35 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv1: Low increase in chance of rare item, 12 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv2: Medium increase in chance of rare item, 16 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv3: High increase in chance of rare item, 20 CP

Comment: If Terra and Cloud didn't convince you why FMS based PCs are a waste, Zidane only adds insult to injury.  Having good speed, an actual Strength score and Sinewy Etude to boost the entire team further, as well as Grand Lethal for an adequate limit, he makes a good candidate for that "necessary FMS PC slot" for Dark Notes.

HP: 5304 (6844)
CP: 42 (50)
Str: 143 (183)
Mag: 100 (128)
Agl: 176 (225)
Luck: 138 (176)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 2 Proactive

Cheer Lv1: If HP<25%, entire party gets Str +50, 8 CP
Cheer Lv2: If HP<20%, entire party gets Str +70, 10 CP
Cheer Lv3: If HP<15%, entire party gets Str +90, 12 CP
Sic Lv1: 30% chance of first <=Bad leading to Chocobo running at Max speed, 10 CP
Sic Lv2: 60% chance of first <=Bad leading to Chocobo running at Max speed, 15 CP
Sic Lv3: 90% chance of first <=Bad leading to Chocobo running at Max speed, 20 CP
Dash Lv1: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a low amount, 8 CP
Dash Lv2: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a medium amount, 12 CP
Dash Lv3: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a high amount, 16 CP
Blitz Ace: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str and Agl, 18 CP

Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Agility Up Lv3: Agl +100 Str -40, 14 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv2: Agl+30, additional +45 during FMS, 10 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP
Sight Lv1: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 7%, 16 CP
Sight Lv2: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 15%, 24 CP
Sight Lv3: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 25%, 34 CP

Comment: AND...back to pretty much pure FMS PCs.  He has Blitz Ace, but not convinced that's enough here.  Well, ok, to his credit, his strength score isn't too bad, which puts him above Onion Knight and Bartz!

HP: 2890 (3729)
CP: 48 (50)
Str: 56 (72)
Mag: 199 (255)
Agl: 169 (216)
Luck: 146 (186)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Firaga: High Magic attack every 38 Touch Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzaga: High Magic attack every 20 Hold Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thundaga: High Magic attack every 28 Slide Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Ancient Mag: Deals very high damage to boss based on Mag and Level, 18 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
Dualcast: Doubles Magic Damage, 22 CP
Item Lore: Doubles effects of healing items, 14 CP
Magic Up Lv1: Mag +20, 4 CP
Magic Up Lv2: Mag +40, Str -20, 8 CP
Magic Up Lv3: Mag +60, Str -30, 14 CP
Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP

Comment: You know how I said Terra is "probably best mage" as opposed to definitely?  Well, Shantotto is the reason to at least question it.  Dual Cast is a worse boost than Trance, but she has higher Magic stat, and Ancient Magic for bosses, making her at least fierce competition for that slot.  Her strength is worse though, which matters for net damage, but she does have really good speed, meaning she's still a good choice for that "Good FMS PC who is competent in BMS" for Dark Notes.

HP: 4684 (6043)
CP: 44 (50)
Str: 133 (170)
Mag: 118 (151)
Agl: 132 (169)
Luck: 199 (255)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Mirage Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 3 CP
Mirage Lv2: 50% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 5 CP
Mirage Lv3: 80% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 7 CP
Mimic: After 125 >=Good, uses last ability triggered in battle, 8 CP
Spare Change: Deals damage based on score to 2nd enemy, score lowers as a result, 10 CP
Steal Lv1: 10% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 16 CP
Steal Lv2: 20% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 20 CP
Steal Lv3: 30% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 24 CP
Pyroclasm: Deals very high damage to boss based on Str, Mag and Level, 18 CP

Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Agility Up Lv3: Agl +100 Str -40, 14 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP
Luck Up Lv2: Luck+80, HP-1000, 10 CP
Luck Up Lv3: Luck+110, HP-1500, 15 CP
Earth Blues Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during BMS, 5 CP
Fortune’s Refrain Lv1: +10 Luck to entire party, song, 7 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv1: Low increase in chance of rare item, 12 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv2: Medium increase in chance of rare item, 16 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv3: High increase in chance of rare item, 20 CP

Comment: The idea with Vaan was making a character who was really good at hording items, if it's not obvious due to the insane Luck, and all those boosting skills.  Yeah, he's not that useful unless it can be proven Luck helps you farm shards for character unlocking.

Claire “Lightning” Farron
HP: 6690 (8632)
CP: 40 (50)
Str: 167 (213)
Mag: 164 (209)
Agl: 136 (174)
Luck: 118 (151)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 2 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Libra Lv1: Reveals 1 item from a boss in a new Dark Note, 20 CP

Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
Agility Up Lv1: Agl +40, 4 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv1: +15 Str for entire party, song, 7 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv2: +20 Str for entire party, song, 10 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv3: +25 Str for entire party, song, 15 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv1: +12 to all stats to entire party, song, 18 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv2: +18 to all stats to entire party, song, 26 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv3: +24 to all stats to entire party, song, 35 CP
Omega Weapon: Str +75, Mag +75, 18 CP

Comment: Lightning is a Red Mage PC done right...except she's not great on the defensive thing so you could argue she's not a Red Mage and just a Fighter Mage but shh!  Sinewy Etude means she's good for fighter builds, while Bluff insures her Magic is pretty good too, though she's never going to be as good as the specialists.  Still, the combination of good Magic and Physical damage is hard to come by, Lightning actually makes the most of both.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:57:24 PM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A


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Re: Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 07:58:38 PM »
Princess Sarah
HP: 2870 (3703)
CP: 50 (50)
Str: 63 (80)
Mag: 81 (125)
Agl: 67 (85)
Luck: 159 (204)
Skill Slots: 4 Mixed

Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Pray Lv2: 70% chance of 70% healing at halfway point, 27 CP
Cheer Lv1: If HP<25%, entire party gets Str +50, 8 CP
Cheer Lv2: If HP<20%, entire party gets Str +70, 10 CP
Cheer Lv3: If HP<15%, entire party gets Str +90, 12 CP

Paeon Lv1: Restores low amount of health overtime, song, 16 CP
Paeon Lv2: Restores medium amount of health overtime, song, 25 CP
Paeon Lv3: Restores high amount of health overtime, song, 35 CP
Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv2: +20 Str for entire party, song, 10 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv3: +25 Str for entire party, song, 15 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv2: +25 Mag to entire party, song, 10 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv3: +30 Mag to entire party, song, 15 CP
Hastemarch Lv2: +15 Agl to entire party, song, 10 CP
Hastemarch Lv3: +20 Agl to entire party, song, 15 CP
Fortune’s Refrain Lv2: +20 Luck to entire party, song, 10 CP
Fortune’s Refrain Lv3: +30 Luck to entire party, song, 15 CP
Soul Voice: Doubles the effects of Song abilities on user only, 25 CP

Comments: Weird character.  Her stats are atrocious, but she's got the hands down best Skill Slots in the game, and is built around making everyone else better, combined with having Elegy + Pray means she can actually function fairly well in defensive teams.

HP: 7095 (9154)
CP: 47 (50)
Str: 56 (72)
Mag: 165 (211)
Agl: 110 (141)
Luck: 143 (183)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Curaga: 40% Healing if HP<50%, OPB, 25 CP
Protect Lv1: 15% damage reduction if HP<80%, 7 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Mirage Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 3 CP
Mirage Lv2: 50% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 5 CP
Mirage Lv3: 80% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 7 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Regen Lv2: Every >=Good Trigger heals a medium amount of HP, 25 CP
Regen Lv3: Every >=Good Trigger heals a high amount of HP, 30 CP
HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Magic Up Lv1: Mag +20, 4 CP
Magic Up Lv2: Mag +40, Str -20, 8 CP
Magic Up Lv3: Mag +60, Str -30, 14 CP
Sight Lv1: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 7%, 16 CP
Sight Lv2: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 15%, 24 CP
Sight Lv3: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 25%, 34 CP

Comments: Great HP, various methods of healing, and Protect, he's an extremely useful PC in defensive builds, only really lacking Elegy as far as worthwhile defensive skills go.  Offensively, he's kind of a wash, which is why you don't use him if you need damage.

HP: 5980 (7716)
CP: 45 (50)
Str: 78 (119)
Mag: 70 (90)
Agl: 67 (86)
Luck: 141 (180)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive

Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Recall: Casts random spell at halfway point, 8 CP
Cheer Lv1: If HP<25%, entire party gets Str +50, 8 CP
Cheer Lv2: If HP<20%, entire party gets Str +70, 10 CP
Cheer Lv3: If HP<15%, entire party gets Str +90, 12 CP
Boost Lv1: Summons get a low boost to damage, 8 CP
Boost Lv2: Summons get a medium boost to damage, 14 CP
Boost Lv3: Summons get a high boost to damage, 20 CP
Escape Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 2 CP
Escape Lv2: 55% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 3 CP
Escape Lv3: 85% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 4 CP
Libra Lv3: Reveals 3 items from a boss in a new Dark Note, 10 CP

Item Lore: Doubles effects of healing items, 14 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP
Luck Up Lv2: Luck+80, HP-1000, 10 CP
Luck Up Lv3: Luck+110, HP-1500, 15 CP

Comments: A character who has practically nothing going for him other than Libra Lv3, which is a unique skill for him.  This makes him good for Shard Hunting when entering Dark Notes blind, I guess, but that use is short lived.

HP: 4069 (5250)
CP: 48 (50)
Str: 100 (127)
Mag: 183 (234)
Agl: 134 (172)
Luck: 140 (179)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 2 Proactive

Recall: Casts random spell at halfway point, 8 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Boost Lv1: Summons get a low boost to damage, 8 CP
Boost Lv2: Summons get a medium boost to damage, 14 CP
Boost Lv3: Summons get a high boost to damage, 20 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Regen Lv2: Every >=Good Trigger heals a medium amount of HP, 25 CP
Regen Lv3: Every >=Good Trigger heals a high amount of HP, 30 CP
Agility Up Lv3: Agl +100 Str -40, 14 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during EMS, 5 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during EMS, 10 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during EMS, 15 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv1: +20 Mag to entire party, song, 7 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv2: +25 Mag to entire party, song, 10 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv3: +30 Mag to entire party, song, 15 CP

Comments: At first glance, Rydia seems like a capable mage character, with high magic and better strength than you'd expect.  Thing is, despite the better stas, she really is a worse Terra by a significant margin.  No Bluff, let alone Trance, worse skill slots, caps at Aras on top of lacking ways to augment it, inferior speed boosting abilities...yeah, it's a pretty damn big jump.  To make matters worse, characters like Lightning, who are a mixed bag of tricks, beat her in a department she's suppose to specialize in, just because of that lack of Bluff or similar skills.  As a result, she's in running for one of the worst Mages in the game.  Really the only thing she has going for her is Boost, and a few other characters have that too anyway.

Kain Highwind
HP: 4884 (6302)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 199 (255)
Mag: 114 (146)
Agl: 164 (210)
Luck: 106 (136)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive

Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv2: Medium Physical damage every 14 Hold notes >=Good, 9 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Calm: First <=Bad will not slow down chocobo, 6 CP

Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Strength Up Lv3: Str +65, Agl -120, physical damage increased by 50%, 16 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv2: Agl+30, additional +45 during FMS, 10 CP
Lance Lv1: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a low amount of HP, 8 CP
Lance Lv2: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a medium amount of HP, 14 CP
Lance Lv3: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a high amount of HP, 20 CP
Sacrifice Lv1: Str +30, HP-500, 5 CP
Sacrifice Lv2: Str +50, HP-750, 10 CP
Sacrifice Lv3: Str +95, HP-1200, 16 CP

Comments: At first glance, Kain seems like he'd be ridiculously good.  Game best strength AND top notch speed, and gets all the necessary skills.  Then you notice one major flaw: he's stuck with only one Proactive slot.  This means he can't use both Strength UP Lv2 and Lv3 at the same time.  Additionally, massive speed on a physical fighter is a waste because Strength Up kills speed unless he opts for Strength Up Lv1, but then, why not just use someone like Squall who gets that AND more?  Ultimately, he ends up a disappointing fighter despite having all the necessary tools on paper.

Sarisa “Faris Scherwiz” Tycoon
HP: 4387 (5660)
CP: 44 (50)
Str: 140 (179)
Mag: 158 (202)
Agl: 179 (230)
Luck: 113 (144)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Mixed

Mirage Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 3 CP
Mirage Lv2: 50% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 5 CP
Mirage Lv3: 80% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 7 CP
Cheer Lv1: If HP<25%, entire party gets Str +50, 8 CP
Cheer Lv2: If HP<20%, entire party gets Str +70, 10 CP
Cheer Lv3: If HP<15%, entire party gets Str +90, 12 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Steal Lv1: 10% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 16 CP
Steal Lv2: 20% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 20 CP
Steal Lv3: 30% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 24 CP
Escape Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 2 CP
Escape Lv2: 55% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 3 CP
Escape Lv3: 85% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 4 CP
Vigilance: Prevents character replacement once in an FMS should they fall, 4 CP
Dash Lv1: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a low amount, 8 CP
Dash Lv2: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a medium amount, 12 CP
Dash Lv3: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a high amount, 16 CP
Libra Lv1: Reveals 1 item from a boss in a new Dark Note, 20 CP

Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP

Comments: Well, good thing her only Proactive slot is Mixed, because that'd force her to use Wind Rhapsody!  Anyway, Faris is basically a worse Lightning.  She's got worse stats outside of Agl for the most part, misses Bluff, has worse Skill slots, and no support skills to really compliment battle. I guess she can use all 3 Aras, which is something Lightning can't do (let alone all 3 elements at once).  Overall, a Red Mage PC who is a little too FMS Based to really be effective.  Not the worst, but there's definitely better.

Locke Cole
HP: 4261 (5497)
CP: 45 (50)
Str: 126 (161)
Mag: 123 (157)
Agl: 176 (225)
Luck: 137 (175)
Skill Slots: 3 Reactive, 1 Proactive

Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Spare Change: Deals damage based on score to 2nd enemy, score lowers as a result, 10 CP
Steal Lv1: 10% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 16 CP
Steal Lv2: 20% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 20 CP
Steal Lv3: 30% chance of stealing from a defeated enemy OPB, 24 CP
Vigilance: Prevents character replacement once in an FMS should they fall, 4 CP
Dash Lv1: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a low amount, 8 CP
Dash Lv2: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a medium amount, 12 CP
Dash Lv3: After 50 >=Good, character speed increases by a high amount, 16 CP
Libra Lv2: Reveals 2 items from a boss in a new Dark Note, 15 CP

Hastemarch Lv1: +10 Agl to entire party, song, 7 CP
Hastemarch Lv2: +15 Agl to entire party, song, 10 CP
Hastemarch Lv3: +20 Agl to entire party, song, 15 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv1: Low increase in chance of rare item, 12 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv2: Medium increase in chance of rare item, 16 CP
Treasure Hunter Lv3: High increase in chance of rare item, 20 CP
Sight Lv1: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 7%, 16 CP
Sight Lv2: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 15%, 24 CP
Sight Lv3: Increases chance of finding Moogle by 25%, 34 CP

Comment: SPEAKING OF WORSE, you know how I like to mock pure FMS PCs?  Yeah, Locke's no exception.  Basically, take Vaan, give him more Speed, and voila! You have...a pretty shoddy character still!  Yay!  I guess he does have Libra Lv2, so he's good for Shard hunting...which only helps so much...especially since he requires Shards himself...yeah...

Aerith Gainsborough
HP: 3731 (4814)
CP: 47 (50)
Str: 111 (142)
Mag: 159 (204)
Agl: 152 (195)
Luck: 114 (146)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 2 Proactive

Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Pray Lv2: 70% chance of 70% healing at halfway point, 27 CP
Thoroughbred: Raises chance of getting a better chocobo, 7 CP
Libra Lv1: Reveals 1 item from a boss in a new Dark Note, 20 CP

Paeon Lv1: Restores low amount of health overtime, song, 16 CP
Paeon Lv2: Restores medium amount of health overtime, song, 25 CP
Paeon Lv3: Restores high amount of health overtime, song, 35 CP
Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during EMS, 15 CP
Earth Blues Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during BMS, 15 CP
Hasetmarch Lv1
Hastemarch Lv2: +15 Agl to entire party, song, 10 CP
Hastemarch Lv3: +20 Agl to entire party, song, 15 CP
Fortune’s Refrain Lv1: +10 Luck to entire party, song, 7 CP

Comments:  Has most of the essentials necessary for a healer, with little offense to speak of, Aerith works on any team built around simply not dying.

HP: 4071 (5252)
CP: 40 (50)
Str: 199 (255)
Mag: 190 (252)
Agl: 108 (138)
Luck: 123 (158)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 2 Mixed

Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thundaga: High Magic attack every 28 Slide Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP

Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Magic Up Lv1: Mag +20, 4 CP
Magic Up Lv2: Mag +40, Str -20, 8 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv1: +15 Str for entire party, song, 7 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv2: +20 Str for entire party, song, 10 CP
Sinewy Etude Lv3: +25 Str for entire party, song, 15 CP
Dark Lv1: Str +25, damage taken increased by 10%, 5 CP
Dark Lv2: Str +45, damage taken increased by 20%, 10 CP
Dark Lv3: Str +75, damage taken increased by 20%, 16 CP

Comments: Weird variation of Lightning, Sephiroth crushes her on offensive stats, and has Bluff, but is very limited on spells, having only one of each element, and all 3 are different levels too, which bars him from doing Blizzara + Thundaga + Bluff.  Lacks her healing and isn't as good at FMS', but he does get Strength Up 1 at least.

Seifer Almasy
HP: 4959 (6399)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 155 (198)
Mag: 150 (192)
Agl: 132 (165)
Luck: 144 (185)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Mirage Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 3 CP
Mirage Lv2: 50% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 5 CP
Mirage Lv3: 80% chance of avoiding damage on a <=Bad up to 3 times, 7 CP
Weapon Break Lv1: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a low amount, 3 CP
Weapon Break Lv2: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a medium amount, 6 CP
Weapon Break Lv3: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a high amount, 10 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP

HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv1: Agl+20, additional +40 during FMS, 5 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv2: Agl+30, additional +45 during FMS, 10 CP
Wind Rhapsody Lv3: Agl+40, additional +60 during FMS, 15 CP
Lance Lv1: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a low amount of HP, 8 CP
Lance Lv2: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a medium amount of HP, 14 CP
Lance Lv3: Every >=Good in character’s lane heals a high amount of HP, 20 CP

Comments: I think the goal with Seifer was to make a very weird defensive PC.  He gets all the gimmicky defensive abilities, but none of the straight forward ones outside of the HP Ups...which doesn't really work out because the straight forward things are generally just better.  As a result, he's just a worse Squall...fittingly enough.

Vivi Ornitier
HP: 2984 (3850)
CP: 48 (50)
Str: 71 (91)
Mag: 199 (255)
Agl: 136 (174)
Luck: 146 (186)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 2 Mixed

Protect Lv1: 15% damage reduction if HP<80%, 7 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Firaga: High Magic attack every 38 Touch Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzaga: High Magic attack every 20 Hold Notes >=Good, 26 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thundaga: High Magic attack every 28 Slide Notes >=Good, 26 CP

Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
Dualcast: Doubles Magic Damage, 22 CP
Magic Up Lv1: Mag +20, 4 CP
Magic Up Lv2: Mag +40, Str -20, 8 CP
Magic Up Lv3: Mag +60, Str -30, 14 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during EMS, 5 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during EMS, 10 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during EMS, 15 CP

Comments: Vivi is Shantotto with worse speed, no Ancient Magic, but gets level 1 spells allowing him for a better sense of flexibility.  It's a losing trade overall, but he's still solid enough as is, being the #3 Mage in the game.

HP: 4795 (6187)
CP: 44 (50)
Str: 64 (82)
Mag: 196 (255)
Agl: 125 (161)
Luck: 125 (160)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 2 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Curaga: 40% Healing if HP<50%, OPB, 25 CP
Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Pray Lv2: 70% chance of 70% healing at halfway point, 27 CP
Boost Lv1: Summons get a low boost to damage, 8 CP
Boost Lv2: Summons get a medium boost to damage, 14 CP
Boost Lv3: Summons get a high boost to damage, 20 CP
Escape Lv1: 25% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 2 CP
Escape Lv2: 55% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 3 CP
Escape Lv3: 85% chance of avoiding damage and/or slowdown during a <=Bad on an FMS up to 3 times, 4 CP
Calm: First <=Bad will not slow down chocobo, 6 CP

Paeon Lv1: Restores low amount of health overtime, song, 16 CP
Paeon Lv2: Restores medium amount of health overtime, song, 25 CP
Paeon Lv3: Restores high amount of health overtime, song, 35 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv1: +20 Mag to entire party, song, 7 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv2: +25 Mag to entire party, song, 10 CP
Mana’s Paean Lv3: +30 Mag to entire party, song, 15 CP

Comments: Yuna is a variation of Aerith, having basically alternatively healing and defensive skills.  She's more focused on raw healing than damage reduction granted, hard to say which is better.

HP: 7272 (9383)
HP: 45 (50)
Str: 182 (233)
Mag: 90 (115)
Agl: 100 (128)
Luck: 142 (182)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Focus Lv1: Low Physical damage every 13 Hold notes >=Good, 4 CP
Focus Lv2: Medium Physical damage every 14 Hold notes >=Good, 9 CP
Focus Lv3: High Physical damage every 15 Hold notes >=Good, 13 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP
Libra Lv1: Reveals 1 item from a boss in a new Dark Note, 20 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Regen Lv2: Every >=Good Trigger heals a medium amount of HP, 25 CP
Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Strength Up Lv1: Str +25, physical damage increased by 10%, 5 CP
Strength Up Lv2: Str +40, Agl -60, physical damage increased by 30%, 10 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Luck Up Lv1: Luck+50, HP-500, 5 CP

Comment: The Marriage of a defensive PC with a physical fighter.  It sounds neat on paper until you remember how the two don't really mesh at all.  Why is that?  Well, defensive PCs are used for songs you have trouble with, to insure you at least get to the end for a completion, damage PCs exist when you're good enough to not need defensive PCs and just want to kill as many things as possible.  This means she's a bit wasted potential, though she's adequate if you focus her on one area, albeit not ideal.

Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca
HP: 5218 (6733)
CP: 42 (50)
Str: 112 (143)
Mag: 163 (209)
Agl: 146 (187)
Luck: 140 (179)
Skill Slots: 2 Reactive, 1 Proactive, 1 Mixed

Cure: 10% Healing if HP<75%, OPB, 8 CP
Cura: 20% Healing if HP<65%, OPB, 16 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Fire: Low Magic attack every 30 Touch Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Fira: Medium Magic attack every 34 Touch Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Blizzard: Low Magic attack every 12 Hold Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Blizzara: Medium Magic attack every 16 Hold Notes >=Good, 14 CP
Thunder: Low Magic attack every 20 Slide Notes >=Good, 7 CP
Thundara: Medium Magic attack every 24 Slide Notes >=Good, 14 CP

Regen Lv1: Every >=Good Trigger heals a low amount of HP, 20 CP
Regen Lv2: Every >=Good Trigger heals a medium amount of HP, 25 CP
Regen Lv3: Every >=Good Trigger heals a high amount of HP, 30 CP
Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
Bluff: Magic damage increased by 50%, 15 CP
Agility Up Lv2: Agl +80 Str -30, 8 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during EMS, 5 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during EMS, 10 CP
Forest Nocturne Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during EMS, 15 CP

Comments: Another variation to Lightning, Ashe has overall worse stats, but better skill slots allowing for more flexibility.  In fact, she is capable of equipping all 3 elementals (2 Aras + A standard) *AND* Bluff at once, something Lightning cannot do, so she has her perks.  Alongside Lightning and Sephiroth, she's in running for the #4 mage in the game.

Snow Villers
HP: 7749 (9999)
CP: 39 (50)
Str: 110 (141)
Mag: 110 (141)
Agl: 128 (163)
Luck: 137 (175)
Skill Slots: 1 Reactive, 2 Proactive

Protect Lv1: 15% damage reduction if HP<80%, 7 CP
Protect Lv2: 25% damage reduction if HP<65%, 14 CP
Protect Lv3: 40% damage reduction if HP<50%, 21 CP
Brace Lv1: 75% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 3 CP
Brace Lv2: 85% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 5 CP
Brace Lv3: 95% chance of surviving a lethal blow with 1% HP, OPB, 7 CP
Weapon Break Lv1: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a low amount, 3 CP
Weapon Break Lv2: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a medium amount, 6 CP
Weapon Break Lv3: Lowers attack power of 2nd monster by a high amount, 10 CP
Counter Lv1: Every 3 “Misses”, deal low physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 5 CP
Counter Lv2: Every 3 “Misses”, deal medium physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 10 CP
Counter Lv3: Every 3 “Misses”, deal high physical damage, up to 5x per battle, 16 CP

Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
HP Up Lv1: +800 HP, 4 CP
HP Up Lv2: +1600 HP, 8 CP
HP Up Lv3: +2400 HP, 14 CP
Earth Blues Lv1: Agl +20, also Luck +40 during BMS, 5 CP
Earth Blues Lv2: Agl +30, also Luck +45 during BMS, 10 CP
Earth Blues Lv3: Agl +40, also Luck +60 during BMS, 15 CP

Comments: STEELGUARD!  That best sums up OUR HERO, really.  Based entirely around the concept of "does not die" without any healing, Snow is a good option for anyone seriously afraid of dying to a song.  Him, a few healers and another tank, and you should be able to survive anything.

HP: 5544 (7154)
CP: 45 (50)
Str: 72 (92)
Mag: 185 (236)
Agl: 113(144)
Luck: 196 (251)
Skill Slots: 1 Proactive, 3 Mixed

Pray Lv1: 50% chance of 30% healing at halfway point, 10 CP
Pray Lv2: 60% chance of 50% healing at halfway point, 18 CP
Pray Lv2: 70% chance of 70% healing at halfway point, 27 CP
Mimic: After 125 >=Good, uses last ability triggered in battle, 8 CP
Cheer Lv1: If HP<25%, entire party gets Str +50, 8 CP
Cheer Lv2: If HP<20%, entire party gets Str +70, 10 CP
Cheer Lv3: If HP<15%, entire party gets Str +90, 12 CP
Boost Lv1: Summons get a low boost to damage, 8 CP
Boost Lv2: Summons get a medium boost to damage, 14 CP
Boost Lv3: Summons get a high boost to damage, 20 CP

Paeon Lv1: Restores low amount of health overtime, song, 16 CP
Paeon Lv2: Restores medium amount of health overtime, song, 25 CP
Paeon Lv3: Restores high amount of health overtime, song, 35 CP
Elegy Lv1: Reduces damage by 10%, song, 8 CP
Elegy Lv2: Reduces damage by 15%, song, 15 CP
Elegy Lv3: Reduces damage by 20%, song, 20 CP
Soul Voice: Doubles the effects of Song abilities on user only, 25 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv1: +12 to all stats to entire party, song, 18 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv2: +18 to all stats to entire party, song, 26 CP
Hero’s Rime Lv3: +24 to all stats to entire party, song, 35 CP

Comments: Pure support PC, she does have Elegy, Paeon and Pray allowing her to be a good enough healer.


Level 60:

HP :
1. Snow 7749
2. Cecil 7638
3. Prishe 7272
4. Minwu 7095
5. Warrior of Light 6717
6. Cloud 6694
7. Lightning 6690
8. Cid 5980
9. Cosmos 5544
10. Tidus 5304
11. Ashe 5218
12. Squall 5133
13. Bartz 5039
14. Seifer 4959
15. Kain 4884
16. Yuna 4795
17. Vaan 4684
18. Firion 4460
19. Faris 4387
20. Locke 4261
21. Zidane 4173
22. Sephiroth 4071
23. Rydia 4069
24. Onion Knight 3813
25. Aerith 3731
26.Vivi 2984
27. Terra 2939
28. Shantotto 2890
29. Princess Sarah 2870
Average: 5036

1t. Kain 199
1t. Sephiroth 199
3t. Firion 188
3t. Cloud 188
5. Prishe 182
6. Warrior of Light 179
7. Lightning 167
8. Squall 156
9. Seifer 155
10. Zidane 144
11. Tidus 143
12. Faris 140
13. Vaan 133
14. Locke 126
15. Cecil 115
16. Ashe 112
17. Aerith 111
18. Snow 110
19. Bartz 107
20 .Rydia 100
21. Onion Knight 85
22. Terra 80
23. Cid 78
24. Cosmos 72
25. Vivi 71
26. Yuna 64
27. Princess Sarah 63
28t . Shantotto 56
28t. Minwu 56
Average: 123

1t. Shantotto 199
1t. Vivi 199
3. Yuna 196
4. Sephiroth 190
5. Cosmos 185
6. Rydia 183
7 Terra 175
8. Lightning 167
9. Minwu 165
10. Ashe 163
11t. Onion Knight 159
11t. Aerith 159
13. Faris 158
14. Squall 157
15. Seifer 150
16. Bartz 141
17. Cloud 139
18. Cecil 136
19. Locke 123
20. Vaan 118
21. Warrior of Light 115
22. Kain 114
23. Zidane 112
24. Snow 110
25. Firion 103
26. Tidus 100
27. Prishe 90
28. Princess Sarah 81
29. Cid 70
Average: 143

1. Zidane 194
2. Onion Knight 190
3. Bartz 184
4. Faris 179
5t. Tidus 176
5t Locke 176
7. Firion 171
8. Shantotto 169
9. Kain 164
10. Aerith 152
11. Ashe 146
12. Terra 144
13. Cloud 142
14t. Lightning 136
14t. Vivi 136
16. Rydia 134
17t. Vaan 132
17t. Seifer 132
19 .Snow 128
20. Yuna 125
21t. Warrior of Light 123
21t. Squall 123
23. Cosmos 113
24. Minwu 110
25t. Cecil 108
25t. Sephiroth 108
27. Prishe 100
28. Princess Sarah 67
29. Cid 67
Average: 139

1. Vaan 199
2. Cosmos 196
3. Princess Sarah 159
4. Firion 148
5t. Shantotto 146
5t. Vivi 146
7. Terra 145
8t. Bartz 144
8t. Seifer 144
10. Minwu 143
11. Prishe 142
12. Cid 141
13t. Rydia 140
13t. Ashe 140
15. Zidane 139
16. Tidus 138
17t. Snow 137
17t. Locke 137
19. Squall 132
20. Onion Knight 131
21. Yuna 125
22t. Warrior of Light 123
22t. Sephiroth 123
24. Cecil 119
25. Lightning 118
26. Aerith 114
27. Faris 113
28. Kain 106
29. Cloud 87
Average: 137

Lv99 Averages soon to come...maybe...
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 03:15:54 AM by Meeplelard »
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> so Snow...
[21:39] <+Mega_Mettaur> Sonic Chaos
[21:39] <+Hello-NewAgeHipsterDojimaDee> That's -brilliant-.

[17:02] <+Tengu_Man> Raven is a better comic relief PC than A