
Author Topic: Rondo of Swords (PCs)  (Read 2564 times)


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Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« on: June 08, 2014, 03:22:10 PM »

Rondo of Swords is an SRPG with some slightly different base mechanics than is usual. Like FE, the game is Phase-based, but unlike FE, Melee units attack by running THROUGH enemy targets, thus enabling them to attack many units in one turn, allowing for movement range. There are a number of skills that effect this, increasing damage or blocking runthroughs and such. Magic units work in the opposite way, all of their attacks hit long range patterns, but a spell can't be cast on the same turn as moving, meaning they rely heavily of good positioning, though by endgame most of their spell ranges well out-distance most melee movement ranges. Archers can move and attack at range on the same turn, making them broken as hell, though there's only 3 of them in the game. The Active skills and OverBreak skills (Limit Breaks) are also limited like spells, only usable on a turn where the unit hasn't moved yet. Active skills are pretty interesting in the DL because they are entirely resource-free, only taking up the unit's turn.

Rondo has a pretty weird Errand system that makes getting characters to their fullest an exercise in FAQ-bait, but you are likely to have a full team of 6 fully kitted out by endgame, so all PCs here are listed at endgame level 50, with all of their Skills assumed level 5 (max), and both of their unique "Card" skills that require them to go on specific quests throughout the course of the game. For PCs that don't want their Card skills, I have allowed them time to upgrade their weapons (usually the inferior option). PCs can equip and reset their Skills between every map, but can only take 12 Skills into battle at time. I have provided their most widely-applicable Skill Loadouts as their default, with a listing of all of their DL-relevent Skill options below in roughly order-of-usefulness. There are definitely some skills with would see some situational use against different opponents (like switching out Melee Guard for Magic Guard or Arrow Guard, or the Mages switching around which Spells they want to bring to battle, Storm Rave probably isn't too useful against Thunder immunity!).

Units are assumed to have 2 storebought Topaz Amulets (the unquestionably most useful equip in the game that’s storebought) plus whatever their starting equips were (not many). Two units were given consumable items to these items having unique effects for only them. A unit can only hold 4 consumable items total, so these two PCs are assumed to hold 4 (easily obtainable in-game). Using an item takes a turn and the unit cannot have moved that turn. Melee units are assumed to attack from the side, unless they have skills that benefit them from attacking from the Front. In the case of one unit who gets a unique skill that activates when attacking from the Rear, I’ve assumed this (high movement) unit always attacks from the Rear. Passive stat boosts/reductions in a unit’s standard Skill Loadout are already calculated in a unit’s listed stats and reflected in averages.

Averages up top:   
HP:   418
MP:   268
bATK:   45
wATK:   25
ATK:   70
bDEF:   44
eDEF:   37
DEF:   81
MAG:   69
MDEF:   107
MOVE:   6.38
Damage:   379.79

HP: I don't know if the game calls these Hit Points or Health Points, what a dilemma.
MP: Used for casting spells, non-mages have no use for them.
ATK: Base Attack, all buffs and passive boosts apply directly to this stat before Weapon attack is added to it. Mages can't attack physically, so useless for them!
wATK: Weapon Attack, gets added to Attack after buffs.
DEF: Base Defense, subtractive, this is where the buffs and passives do their multiplying before Equipment Defense gets added on.
eDEF: Equipment Defense is also used for blocking Magical damage as well as getting added onto physical Defense. Subtractive.
MAG: Magic is used to powerup spells AND works as subtracive Magic defense, so Melee units have a use for this!
MC: Momentum Counter, used to determine enemy aggro as well as a few other effects. Always starts at the base number listed.
MOVE: How many tiles a unit can move per turn. Could be useful for speed tie-breaks?
AGI%: Flat percentage chance to dodge physical attacks. Magic has perfect accuracy and cannot miss.
CTR%: Percentage chance to Counterattack melee attacks. Ranged attacks cannot be Countered. Counters always inflict "Crazed" status.
ACC%: Percentage chance of hitting a target. Accuracy - Agility = percent of a physical attack actually landing. Base accuracy is 100%, modified by Weapon and Skills.
CRT%: Critical hit rate on physical attacks. Criticals are roughly 1.5x dmg and ignore Defense. Crit Rate is a property solely of a unit's Weapon and Skills.

Status Effects:
Crazed - unit's base stats reduced to 70%, caused by Counters, ZOC, and Soul Rend
Timid - unit cannot counterattack
Clumsy - unit cannot use items
Dazed - unit faces random direction after attack (useless)
Leak - 10% max HP dmg per turn
Sap - 10% max MP dmg per turn

ZOC (Zone of Control: Stops melee attackers from passing through, takes damage normally but inflicts Crazed status effect on the attacker, reducing all stats to 70% for 3 to 5 turns, turn counter can be refreshed)

Status Resistance is usually gained through increasing Momentum Counter to 81. Status-resisting accessories exist, but the storebought ones have such low resistance rates they might as well not.

Momentum Counter (MC):
Increases EXP and OB gained by +MC%
Increases as unit acts, 3 for active ability, 3 for every target hit, OB does not add to MC
At 81 MC, gain "Boost" status, which doubles MC gain rate and grants status immunity
At 99 MC, gain "Hero" status, which makes support effects become 1.5 x more potent and grants status immunity (also OB gain rate is necessarily doubled because MC=99)
At 0-1 MC, gain "Green" status, which  locks MC at 1, makes unit untargetable by melee attacks, but is impossible to get solo because using Hide to decrease MC still nets +3 MC for using an action, requires another PC to use an MC-reducing fruit item

OverBreak: This game's name for Limit Breaks. The gauge can be charged up 3 times, with the effect of the OverBreak increasing at each level. Roughly half of the OB in the game are DL-useless.
OverBreak gain rate:
Increases as unit attacks or receives dmg, large boost for killing another unit
At 0 MC, roughly 1% of an OB meter is gained per 10 dmg dealt or received
e.g. at 60 MC, dealing 300 dmg will give 30% * 1.6 = 48%

Magic Damage Forumla:
(Pow*SpellB*3/2-EqDef) * (1 + 3/2*(C_Mag*SkillB - T_Mag) / 100)

Physical Damage Formula: (succinct)
(2*ATK-DEF) * Terrain Modifier * (Direction Modifier+Class Modifier) * Active Skill Modifier * Passive Skill Modifier, rounded down after each modifier

Damage Formula Expanded: (Direction and Passive Skill Mods only)
((2+Innate Modifier)*(bAtk*SkillBuffs+wAtk) - Def + rd(Direction Modifier*((2+IM)*(bAtk*SB+wAtk)-Def)) + rd(PassiveBuffMod*((2+IM)*(bAtk*SB+wAtk)-Def + rd(DM*((2+IM)*(bAtk*SB+wAtk)-Def)))*MultiplierIfOB
IM: Innate Modifier, such as Ansom's Double Dmg innate, OB base dmg, Critical hits (+0.5), or Counters (-0.75)
SB: Skill Buffs, stack additively, apply to Base Attack multiplicatively
DM: Direction Modifier, increase dmg when attacking from certain directions (0 from Front, 0.1 from Side, 0.25 from Back), appropriate Skills REPLACE these modifiers with larger ones
Passive Buff Mod: The only one that matters is Duelist, which is 0.5 more. This is also where the Melee/etc Guard skills would apply defensively.
OB Multiplier: Only applies to OverBreak skills, usually 1, 1.5, or 2, depending upon the level of OB used, OB skills ignore other Mods (Direction, Melee Guard, Duelist, etc. - Skill Buffs still apply)

Enemy Endgame stats: 40 base Def +15 Def equips; 50 Mag total

Skills at MAX Level effect
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Sharpshot (+15% Acc)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Vital Strike (+15% crit rate)
Retaliation (+15% counter rate)
Lion Strike (increase OB gain rate 150%)

White Light (50% chance to heal status per turn)
Angelic Word (50% status res)
True Arrows (+3 range for archers)
Karma Strike (+ 25% counter dmg)

ZOC (Zone of Control: Stops melee attackers from passing through, takes damage normally but inflicts Crazed status effect on the attacker, reducing all stats to 70% for 3 to 5 turns, turn counter can be refreshed)

Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% def)
Rook (+25% def, -20% counter rate)
Garrison (+25% def, -25% Atk)
Cyclone (+25% crit rate, -25% def)
Berserk (+25% crit rate, -25% Acc)
Wisdom Lock (+25% mag, -20% def & agi)
Stance Shift (+25% counter rate, -25% def)

Will of War* (heal 25% hp to ally run through)
Will of Magi* (heal 25% mp to ally run through)

Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when Atk from Front)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Ctr rate from Front)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg from Side)!
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate from Side)
Back Stab (+40% crit rate from Back)
Rear Blow (+40% dmg from Back)!

Melee Guard/Mount Guard/Arrow Guard/Magic Guard
(-20% dmg from Melee physicals, cavalier physicals, ranged physicals, or magic)

Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
First Strike (75% chance to add effect Timid-no counterattack)
Mind Chains (75% chance to  add Clumsy-can't use items)
Befuddle (75% chance to add Dazed-face random direction after attack)
Stigma (75% chance to add Leak-10% mHP poison)
Sin Brand (75% chance to add Sap-10% mMP poison)

Vital Power (20% regen)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Duelist (+50% dmg to ST)
Fearlessness (+50% dmg to 2nd+ targets)

Flame/Ice/Storm/Earth Shard (+20% dmg to elemental/talisman spells)
Abyss Shard (+25% dmg dark spells)

Abyss Ward (25% dark res)

Flame/Ice/Storm Rune (added 25% of dmg MP recovery from elemental spell, no dmg reduction)

Arcane Fire/Ice/Storm/Light (-30% MP costs for elemental spells)
Arcane Evil (-40% MP for dark)

Ars Magna (-30% MP and +30% dmg for all elemental spells)

Blessing (200% effect of items)
Persistence (25% Endure)

Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Knight Codex (+25 to MC)
Knight Maxim (+40 to MC)
Arc Charge (+35% of an OB gauge)
Cleanse (75% chance to cure status)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)

Lion Rage (+50% Atk -40% def, 3turns, stacks)
Last Stand (+50% Atk -3 mov, 3 turns, stacks)
Fortify (+50% def -3 mov, 3 turns, stacks)
Desperation (MAX: 3 turns ZOC -50% def OR LV3: 2 turns ZOC -30% def, can be refreshed)
Honor Code (+40% Atk&Acc -40% def/range for archers, 3 turns)
Meditation (+50% mag -40% def, 3 turns)
Empower (+50% def -40% Atk, 3 turns)

Spells: (MP cost; Base Power; targetting: LT Line Target, ff Friendly Fire)
Fire Raid (60 MP 135 ST)
Ignite Lore (60 MP 150 MT ff)
Meteor Gate (125 MP 180 ST)
Megido Nova (125 MP 220 MT ff)

Ice Spear (35 MP 95 LT) ITD
White Dust (40 MP 85 ST)
Sedna Prison (125 MP 110 MT) ITD
Yumil Magna (125 MP 180 LT)

Spark Edge (50 MP 115 ST)
Storm Rave (75 MP 120 MT ff)
Talan Raioh (100 MP 90 MT ff)
Magna Volt (100 MP 120 ST 10 rng)

Cure Drop (50 MP 80% mHP heal)
Oratoriorae (150 MP 150 LT ff)

Abyss Gate (115 MP 100 ST 10 rng)
Seven Menace (150 MP 150 ST)

Fire Dragon (125 MP 165 ST)
Thunder (150 MP 120 MT ff)
Faerie Fire (200 MP 130 MT)

Rekka Slip (25 MP 145 MT ff)
Jinrai Slip (25 MP 125 MT ff)

Fierce Cry (-50% target's OB gauge (Limit meter))
Manafont* (gives ally roughly full MP)
Martyr* (gives ally roughly full HP/MP)
Soul Cleanse (MT status heal)
High Barrier (MT def+50% 3 turns)
Divine Seal (MT -50% magic dmg, 3 turns)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 11:44:40 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 03:25:18 PM »

LVL   50
HP   700
MP   68
ATK   90
wATK   65
DEF   60
eDEF   43
MAG   49
MC   66
MOVE   6
AGI%   10
CTR%   17
ACC%   135
CRT%   0

Holy Blade
Moon Amulet (Def+7)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 496 melee dmg + 50%mMP dmg, ignores special resistances
Physical w/o Daredevil: 438
Physical w/ Daredevil + Lion Rage x1, x2: 613, 730
Critical: 754 (w/o Daredevil: 682) ITD melee dmg
Counter: 138 (no DD, w/ Karma Strike: 172), inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Seven Sins: 565/ 847/ 1130 ranged physical damage, ignores special resistances

Brave Ray: (3*atk)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2 ITD in a straight line, can't move the same turn used (P)
Seven Sins: ST ranged physical, anti-dark, (4*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2 (CE)

Innate 10% mHP regen

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Cold Monarch
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
ZOC (Zone of Control: Stops melee attackers from passing through, takes damage normally but inflicts Crazed status effect on the attacker, reducing all stats to 70% for 3 to 5 turns, turn counter can be refreshed)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)

Skill Options:
Cold Monarch (B Class)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)

Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Foresight (+15% Agility)

Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)

Fearlessness (+50% dmg when attacking a 2nd or more target in one turn)
Empower (+50% Def, -40% Atk for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

One of the two forms of the nameless protagonist. This form is the better of the two all around. Very good durability to physicals and magic, a high 2HKO, made even higher against fighters who make contact due to ZOC inflicting Crazed. Spoils anyone MP reliant with his basic physical doing 50% max MP dmg. Spoils most status whores by using Knight Maxim to heal status and grant immunity for the rest of the battle on turn 1. Can buff his attack to break stalls, debuff to chip, his Sword ignores special resistances, and his basic physical also reduces enemy counter chances by 30%, so he spoils counter reliant FE types too. A solid Heavy on his own, and given form choice he's an even better one.

LVL   50
HP   465
MP   71
ATK   66
wATK   55
DEF   97
eDEF   43
MAG   56
MC   63
MOVE   6
AGI%   17
CTR%   0
ACC%   150
CRT%   5

Holy Blade
Moon Amulet (Def+7)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 364 melee dmg, ignores special resistances
Critical: 589 ITD melee dmg
Counter: 96 + inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Judgement: 369/ 553/ 738 ranged physical damage, ignores special resistances

Brave Ray: (3*atk)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2 ITD in a straight line, can't move the same turn used (P)
Judgement: MT ranged physical, anti-dark (3.5 Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2 (AP)

Innate +50% EXP gain

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Arch Paladin
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)

Skill Options:
Arch Paladin (A Class)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)

Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)

Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)
Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)

Empower (+50% Def, -40% Atk for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Soul Cleanse (MT status heal)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

Serdic lite. Better physical durability, only slightly less damage and tricks. Turtles well, building up to a near OHKO over break with Arc Charge and infinite healing (and 20% regen). Has the same status immunity trick as Serdic. A solid Middle/Heavy borderliner in his own right, but together with form choice, he makes a great heavy that can spoil a lot duelists.

LVL   50
HP   136
MP   729
ATK   8
wATK   0
DEF   14
eDEF   36
MAG   108
MC   54
MOVE   4
AGI%   0
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Oratoriorae: 392 (336 w/o WL) Light magic dmg (105 MP)
Cure Drop: 80% mHP healing (35 MP)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Testament*: 75% chance to restore status (15 MP)

Maiden Prayer: Restore 20/40/60% HP to all allies who have not moved yet this turn (can't self target)

Innate 10% mMP regen

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Divine Maiden
Cure Drop: 80% mHP healing (50 MP) OR 65% mHP healing (40 MP @ Lv4)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Testament*: 75% chance to restore status (15 MP)
Holy Favor*: see: Rescue staff (125 MP)
Martyr* (gives ally roughly full HP/MP)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Arcane Light (-30% MP costs for Light spells)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Marie does one thing (and that's die). She has one attack spell that does 3HKO dmg and is elemental and resistable. Off average speed. And 0.27 physical durability. Quite Puny. Assuming she's facing someone she can take a hit from, she does have innate MP regen so her 80% healing is infinite. Her magical durability is a little better, but mostly she hopes her opponent is slower and magically frail enough to die in one hit. She can take off Wisdom Lock for four more points of subtractive defense if that will matter in Puny (possible I suppose?). You might think someone who gets heal locked by FF4o Edward would be the cast worst duelist, RoS has a special surprise for you!

LVL   50
HP   715
MP   13
ATK   84
wATK   38
DEF   73
eDEF   36
MAG   40
MC   54
MOVE   8
AGI%   10
CTR%   10
ACC%   93
CRT%   5

Copper Ring (Atk+2) (+8 dmg across to numbers)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 367 + 30% reduced counter chance inflicted on enemy + 75% added effect "Timid": disables counters
Physical w/ Lion Rage x1, x2: 477, 586
Critical: 594 ITD melee dmg
Counter: 97 + inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Last Resort: Fixed damage to self and target: 143/ 286/ 429 (20/40/60% Kay's mHP), ranged

Last Resort: damage self 20/40/60% mHP, do same dmg to one target

OB Rate increases 25%
Exp gain +50%
(3 wpn upgrades)

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
First Strike (75% chance to add effect “Timid”: disable counterattacks)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)

Skill Options:
White Knight > Templar > Paladin
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)

Knight Maxim (Raise MC +40)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
First Strike (75% chance to add effect “Timid”: disable counterattacks)

Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)

Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Empower (+50% Def, -40% Atk for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Soul Cleanse(MT status heal)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

Kay is the anti-FE duelist and translates better than his in game performance. He has excellent durability and respectable damage. Notably he can also disable an enemy's counters after a hit. He also is the only Melee unit to get Magic Guard, making him better against mages than you'd expect. Add in Knight Maxim to raise his MC to that ever important 81 for status immunity (and healing if he had a non fatal status!) and he's got a good toolbox to run in High Middle. His OverBreak is kinda worthless since he could just use Lion Rage instead to boost his damage without taking half his HP. Useful for breaking stalls.

LVL   50
HP   823
MP   21
ATK   49
wATK   37
DEF   109
eDEF   41
MAG   47
MC   45
MOVE   5
AGI%   10
CTR%   54
ACC%   100
CRT%   5

Ebon Amulet (Def+5)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 129 melee dmg
Physical w/o Garrison: 166 melee dmg
Critical: 237 ITD melee dmg
Counter: 53 melee dmg + inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)

Share the Love: uses 20/40/60% own mHP to restore same HP to all units in range 2

MC Increase rate +1
Double Counter rate

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Royal Aegis
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)

Skill Options:
Sentinel > Phalanx > Royal Aegis
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)

Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)

Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Mount Guard (-20% dmg from mounted units)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)

Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Empower (+50% Def, -40% Atk for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Margus' game is survivability. He has gamebest durability by a large margin, and can buff it even higher for free. He also has a free skill that grants 3 turns of status immunity that can be refreshed over and over (which will eventually get him to 81 MC and then he'll be passively status immune). Oh and he also has infinite healing and 20% innate regen. And anyone who makes contact with him gets hit with ZOC's "Crazed" status that lowers all their stats to 70% of their base, making his position even stronger. He's even got a high counter rate to whittle enemies down as they tink against his bulk. What Margus does not have is damage. A 7HKO is embarrassing and giving opponents that much time to setup is a bad idea. He also has no real way to break stalls or avoid limits so he's no Godlike. Still this level of stall trolling is bound to give Middle duelists fits. Probably a Low Heavy?

LVL   50
HP   273
MP   355
ATK   18
wATK   0
DEF   47
eDEF   36
MAG   97
MC   39
MOVE   4
AGI%   25
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Navy Ring (Mag+4) (+18 dmg to numbers)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Yumil Magna: 529 (619 w/WL, 709 w/Med, 800 both) Ice magic dmg hits MT in a line (62 MP)
Sedna Prison 487 (545 w/WL, 603 w/Med, 661 w/ both) ITD Ice Magic dmg ranged MT (62 MP)
Meteor Gate: 436 (511 w/WL, 585 w/Med, 660 w/ both) Fire magic dmg ranged ST (125 MP)
Ice Spear: 421 (471 w/WL, 521 w/Med, 571 w/both) ITD Ice magic dmg hits MT in a line (17 MP)
Spark Edge: 269 Thunder magic dmg ranged ST (50 MP)
Abyss Gate: 231 Dark magic dmg ranged ST (115 MP)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Eidos Curse: Reduce magic dmg by 40/60/80% to all in range until unit's next turn

Ice Magic MP Cost -20%
5% MP regen

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Rune Master
Yumil Magna
Sedna Prison
Meteor Gate
Ice Spear
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Ice Shard (+20% dmg for Ice spells)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Arcane Ice (-30% MP costs for Ice spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Foresight (+15% Agility)

Skill Options:
Sorceror > Warlock > Rune Master
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Ice Shard (+20% dmg for Ice spells)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Arcane Ice (-30% MP costs for Ice spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Yumil Magna
Sedna Prison
Meteor Gate

Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Spark Edge
Abyss Gate

Ice Spear
Ignite Lore
Storm Rave

Fire Raid
Talan Raioh
White Dust
Will of Magi* (heal 25% MP to ally run through)

Selmer's just a standard Mage. He's not particularly frail, but not durable except by RoS Mage standards. He has an ice elemental high 2HKO with ITD 2HKO backup damage. And High 3HKO of the fire variety for those who spoil Ice. He can buff his damage to break stalls. If the enemy is incredibly stally he has MP Regen and the inevitable MC climb to status immunity. That's about it. High Light? Low Middle?

LVL   50
HP   355
MP   59
ATK   62
wATK   36
DEF   37
eDEF   36
MAG   67
MC   36
MOVE   7
AGI%   50
CTR%   60
ACC%   255
CRT%   50

Mist Edge
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 286 melee dmg + 75% added effect "Timid": disables counters
Physical w/ Daredevil: 337 melee dmg
Physical w/ Lion Rage x1, x2: 388, 489 (w/DD: 438, 540)
Critical: 498 (w/ Daredevil: 561) ITD melee dmg
Counter: 85 (w/ Daredevil: 103) melee dmg, inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Tiger Fangs: 2 hits of ST dmg 322/483/645 (3/4.5/6x Atk ITD), ranged

Tiger Fangs: 2 hits of ST dmg (3/4.5/6x Atk ITD)

100% Accuracy rate

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Blade Master
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
First Strike (75% chance to add effect “Timid”: disable counterattacks)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Stance Shift (+25% Counter rate, -25% Def)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)

Skill Options:
Fencer > Sword Master > Blade Master
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
First Strike (75% chance to add effect “Timid”: disable counterattacks)

Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Stance Shift (+25% Counter rate, -25% Def)

Foresight (+15% Agility)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)

Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Mount Guard (-20% dmg from mounted units)

Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Befuddle (75% chance to add “Dazed”: afflicted faces random direction upon turn end)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)

Sasha is a decent Middle that spoils a lot of FE fighters. Disabling counters with her regular physical is awesome. Her own high counter rate (and subsequent debuffing with inflicting Crazed) will help her survivability against Melee types and she's got decent magical defense but her low HP gives her below average durability overall. She can break stalls or chip around limits with her pretty good OverBreak damage or using Lion Rage to boost attack. Her 4HKO isn't too scary overall but she can also twink for a higher crit rate (by sacrificing OB gain tricks or counter rate) which gives her an ITD 2HKO that's a bit less reliable. Her low MC means she's likely not seeing status immunity anytime soon but she gets Angelic Word to cut incoming status rates by 50% so she's a pretty decent bag of tricks in Middle.

LVL   50
HP   518
MP   6
ATK   99
wATK   45
DEF   36
eDEF   36
MAG   16
MC   40
MOVE   7
AGI%   28
CTR%   0
ACC%   95
CRT%   50

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 521 ranged + 75% added effect "Leak": 10% mHP poison +75% added effect "Clumsy": disables item use
Physical (w/o Daredevil): 455 ranged
Physical w/ Last Stand x1, x2: 653, 785 ranged
Critical: 593 ranged (518 w/o DD)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))
Basara Flash: 665/ 997/ 1330 ranged ST physical

Basara Flash: ranged physical, (2.5*atk-def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2; Card ability makes it 3*atk*OB

OB Rate Increase +50%
Double Damage

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Strike Ranger
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stigma (75% chance to add “Leak”: 10% mHP poison per turn)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Mind Chains (75% chance to add “Clumsy”: can’t use items)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)
Berserk (+25% Crit rate, -25% Acc)

Skill Options:
Terra Archer > Hawk Eye > Strike Ranger
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stigma (75% chance to add “Leak”: 10% mHP poison per turn)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)

Foresight (+15% Agility)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Mind Chains (75% chance to add “Clumsy”: can’t use items)
Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))

Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)
Berserk (+25% Crit rate, -25% Acc)

Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
True Arrows (+3 range for archers)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)

Ansom is the brokenest SRPG archer ever. His ridiculous mobility and being able to move and hit at range in the same turn gives him the biggest threat range in the game, which might incline some to give him some initiative credit. He's still less good in the DL, but his solid 2HKO damage and decent physical durability translate well. His double damage passive ability is just awesome. He has the better of the two Atk buffing skills due to nerfing Move instead of Def, so he can break stalls pretty well. His amazing OB, if he can get it, is overkill damage. High crit rate gives him the constant threat of 2HKO ITD damage, which can be buffed with Last Stand as well. He has decently high MC, so if he comes across a status whore, he can endlessly apply Holy Prayer status immunity until he gets to 81 MC immunity. (Also builds his OB gain!) A solid package but that magic defense is hilarious. Mages might as well be doing automatic ITD to him. Should he need it, he applies poison and item-block with his physical, though I doubt that's winning him many matches in High Middle.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 02:01:15 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2014, 03:40:25 PM »

LVL   50
HP   387
MP   43
ATK   46
wATK   28
DEF   22
eDEF   36
MAG   48
MC   19
MOVE   7
AGI%   54
CTR%   57
ACC%   116
CRT%   182

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical/Critical: 259 ITD melee damage (100% critical rate)
Counter:  37 melee damage + inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Poison Cheat: 30/60/90% (30%*OB) chance of inflicting Weak status (all received hits become criticals) on all in range

Poison Cheat: 30%*OB chance of inflicting Weak status (all received hits become criticals) on all in range

Double Critical rate
Move +1
(3 wpn upgrades)

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Rear Blow (+40% dmg when attacking from Rear)
Back Stab (+40% crit rate when attacking from Rear)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Stance Shift (+25% Counter rate, -25% Def)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)

Skill Options:
Rogue > Cutpurse > Strider
Rear Blow (+40% dmg when attacking from Rear)
Back Stab (+40% crit rate when attacking from Rear)
Foresight (+15% Agility)

Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)

Stance Shift (+25% Counter rate, -25% Def)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)

Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
Berserk (+25% Crit rate, -25% Acc)
Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)

Owl is an interesting Light. On first glance of his terrible durability, he looks really bad, but his high threat range, solid agility, and high counter rate for inflicting Crazed increases it quite a bit, he may even see a turn 4 every now and then! Which is good for his ITD 4HKO. His unique skill, Rear Blow (snrk), and his high move inclines me to allow him to always attack from the Back to activate these skills. If you don't allow this and force side attacks, he still has the lateral boosts on his skill load out, so his damage is only lessened slightly (but probably to a 5HKO). His Critical rate is easily over 100% with a full skill load so I didn't include his non critical damage, but trust me if he's somehow not criticalling, he's barely dealing damage above defense. His OB also causes a status that insures critical hits so he can try to fall back on that should his crits be nulled by some method. Really really low MC means he's not seeing status immunity or an OB anytime soon, though in Light, it could still happen.

LVL   50
HP   412
MP   1033
ATK   16
wATK   0
DEF   20
eDEF   45
MAG   97
MC   66
MOVE   8
AGI%   30
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Willow x4 (heals 50% HP/MP for Cotton only)
Jade Amulet (Def+9)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Fire Dragon: 482 Fire Magic dmg ranged ST (125 MP)
Thunder: 344 Thunder Magic dmg ranged MT (150 MP)
Faerie Fire: 375 Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (200 MP)
Barrier (-75% dmg reduction for 1 turn, Cotton only)
Willow: heals 50% HP/MP  (100% w/ Blessing) for Cotton only, can hold up to 4

Lucky Time: Restore own MP/HP by 20/35/50% mHP

Max MP + 20%
Move +2

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Fire Dragon
Faerie Fire
Barrier (-75% dmg reduction for 1 turn, Cotton only)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Flame Shard (+20% dmg for Fire spells)
Storm Shard (+20% dmg for Thunder spells)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Blessing (200% effect of items)

Cotton is fun! She's the most physically durable Mage in the game by a fair margin, due almost entirely to her HP, and is a fair contender for magic durability. She's very likely to see two turns and Persistence increases her chances even further. She has a unique consumable item that only has an effect just for her, the Willow, so I've allowed her four of them (the max she can hold, they are fairly easy to come by in game). With her unique passive that doubles item effectiveness (another reason to allow it for legality), it full heals her HP and MP. She also has decent MC and an OverBreak that also restores her HP and MP, so she makes a better healer than most of the healers too. If she's worried about surviving long enough to GET her OB, never fear she has a unique turtling skill in Barrier that cuts damage long enough to build meter and MC. She has  2HKO of the fire variety and some backup Thunder damage, which are kind of expensive but she's constantly got access to MP healing, so likely not an issue. Could probably spoil some heavies, but I think the whole package comes out to a High Middle.

LVL   50
HP   737
MP   18
ATK   62
wATK   24
DEF   47
eDEF   36
MAG   42
MC   58
MOVE   8
AGI%   30
CTR%   30
ACC%   135
CRT%   15

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 390 melee damage ITE
Physical w/ Lion Rage x1, x2: 557, 724
Critical: 522 ITD melee damage ITE
Counter: 280 melee dmg + inflict "Crazed": all stats 70%
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)
Pandemonium: 30/60/90% (30%*OB) chance of inflicting "Leak" status (10% mHP poison) on all in range

Pandemonium: 30%*OB chance of inflicting Leak status (10% mHP poison) on all in range

100% Accuracy rate
Double Damage

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Edel Raven
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)

Skill Options:
Rogue > Treasure Hunter > Edel Raven
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)

Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)

Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)

Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Back Stab (+40% crit rate when attacking from Rear)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

A pretty good standard middle RoS Melee unit. Turn 1 refreshable status immunity, infinite healing, decent agility, crit, counter+Crazed infliction rate, an attack buff to break stalls and help chip - all rounded out with solid damage, durability, and threat range.

LVL   50
HP   327
MP   5
ATK   21
wATK   29
DEF   28
eDEF   41
MAG   36
MC   20
MOVE   9
AGI%   45
CTR%   8
ACC%   175
CRT%   255

Ebon Amulet (Def+5)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical/Critical: 137 ITD melee dmg + 30% reduced counter chance inflicted on enemy
Counter:  7 melee dmg + inflicts "Crazed": all stats 70%
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)
Shady World: Restores 30/40/50% HP and MP to all allies in range


Shady World: Restores 30/40/50% HP and MP to all allies in range

OB rate increase +25%
100% Critical rate

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Shadow Thief
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)

Skill Options:
Backpacker > Lost Hiker > Shadow Thief
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, OR Lv1: -10% Def but ZOC for 1 turn, can be refreshed)

Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)

Sprint* (+3 Mov)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
Back Stab (+40% crit rate when attacking from Rear)
Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)

Rukia is the redheaded stepchild of Rondo of Swords. She's never a worthwhile investment and requires babying just to level her up. Not quite Jogurt level, but possibly close. The game seems to have included her just to spit on the FE Est archetype. She joins early and looks terrible, but level her up and... She's still incredibly terrible! Has terrible magical AND physical durability so there's no matchups she's really suited for. Her agility is alright and she has the status immunity skill, which might see use in Puny?! A low 7HKO (even ITD) off her durability just isn't scaring anyone. You might think someone whose only use is to sell stuff would be the worst duelist, but RoS has even more special snowflakes for you!

LVL   50
HP   325
MP   485
ATK   13
wATK   0
DEF   29
eDEF   36
MAG   93
MC   48
MOVE   5
AGI%   10
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Iris Ring (MP+4%)
Lone Medal  (4% Thunder res)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Storm Rave: 407 (476 w/WL, 545 w/Med, 615 w/both) Thunder Magic dmg ranged MT (52 MP)
Meteor Gate: 422 (494 w/WL, 565 w/Med, 637 w/both) Fire Magic dmg ranged ST (125 MP)
Sedna Prison: 397 (443 w/WL, 489 w/Med, 536 w/both) Ice ITD Magic dmg ranged MT (125 MP)
Seven Menace: 347 (406 w/WL, 465 w/Med, 525 w/both) Dark Magic dmg ranged ST (150 MP)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Hyle Curse: Raises spell dmg by 40/60/80% to all units in range except Elmer until his next turn

OB rate increase +25%
Thunder damage +25%

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Rune Master
Storm Rave
Meteor Gate
Sedna Prison
Seven Menace
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Storm Shard (+20% dmg for Thunder spells)
Arcane Storm (-30% MP costs for Thunder spells)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)

Skill Options:
Sorceror > Warlock > Rune Master
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Storm Shard (+20% dmg for Thunder spells)
Arcane Storm (-30% MP costs for Thunder spells)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Storm Rave
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Meteor Gate
Sedna Prison
Seven Menace

Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Spark Edge
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)
Ice Spear
Ignite Lore

Magna Volt
Abyss Gate
Talan Raioh
Fire Raid
White Dust
Sprint* (+3 Mov)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

A less frail version of his brother with different elements and no MP restoration. Losing trade. Amusingly his best damage is Fire despite having lots of Thunder boosting passive skills. This is because Thunder spells suck. His resource woes mean he's likely going to want to use Thunder anyway because at least those spells are cheap for him. His backup damage is a 3HKO ITD ice spell that his brother and teacher can both use much better than him. Still probably a low Middle with his 2HKO and decent magic durability. Persistence also means he's got that flippy 25% endure with 1 HP thing that might buy him the turn he needs to finish a match. Light/Middle. 

LVL   50
HP   164
MP   855
ATK   9
wATK   0
DEF   8
eDEF   36
MAG   136
MC   46
MOVE   4
AGI%   0
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Megido Nova: 1140 (1479 w/Med) Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (62 MP)
Ignite Lore: 766 (994 w/Med) Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (30 MP)
Storm Rave: 503 (652 w/Med) Thunder Magic dmg ranged MT (52 MP)
Sedna Prison: 653 (800 w/Med) Ice ITD Magic dmg ranged MT (62 MP)
Seven Menace: 637 (826 w/Med) Dark Magic dmg ranged ST (105 MP)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Efficiency: Reduces MP costs for all units in range by 20/35/50% for one turn

Fire Magic MP costs -20%
Fire damage +25%

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Rune Master
Megido Nova
Ignite Lore
Sedna Prison
Seven Menace
Storm Rave
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Ars Magna (-30% MP and +30% dmg for all elemental spells)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Skill Options:
Warlock > Rune Master
Ars Magna (-30% MP and +30% dmg for all elemental spells)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Megido Nova
Ignite Lore
Sedna Prison
Seven Menace
Storm Rave

Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Meteor Gate
Yumil Magna

Ice Spear
Spark Edge
Magna Volt
Abyss Gate
Fire Raid
Arcane Fire (-30% MP costs for Fire spells)
Flame Shard (+20% dmg for Fire spells)

The ur example of RoS mages in game. One shot damage, shrug off magic, die to a hit from an anaemic underfed child. Arios' base defense is 8. Single digits. Hilarious! No other tricks really apart from some backup elements and some ITD damage. But an average speed OHKO is still going to solve a lot of his problems. Probably Low Heavy. Second best duelist in the PC cast?!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 06:47:41 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2014, 04:01:18 PM »

LVL   50
HP   138
MP   381
ATK   7
wATK   0
DEF   15
eDEF   36
MAG   120
MC   31
MOVE   5
AGI%   10
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Seven Menace: 661 (564 w/oWL, 757 w/Med, 854 w/both) Dark Magic dmg ranged ST (60 MP)
Megido Nova: 645 (551 w/oWL, 740 w/Med, 834 w/both) Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (125 MP)
Sedna Prison: 462 (412 w/oWL, 511 w/Med, 561 w/both) Ice ITD Magic dmg ranged MT (125 MP)
Storm Rave: 338 (288 w/oWL, 387 w/Med, 437 w/both) Thunder dmg ranged MT (75 MP)
Yumil Magna: 522 (446 w/oWL, 599 w/Med, 675 w/both) Ice Magic dmg, hits all targets in a line (125 MP)
Abyss Gate: 430 (367 w/oWL, 493 w/Med, 556 w/both) Dark Magic dmg ranged ST (46 MP)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Pain Transfer: mHP-cHP * 1.5 * OB dmg to targets (205/ 411/ 616 at 1 HP)

Pain Transfer: mHP-cHP * 1.5 * OB dmg to targets

Dark Magic MP costs -20%
Dark damage +25%

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Rune Master
Seven Menace
Megido Nova
Sedna Prison
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Abyss Shard (+25% dmg for Dark spells)
Arcane Evil (-40% MP costs for Dark spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)

Skill Options:
Warlock > Rune Master
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Abyss Shard (+25% dmg for Dark spells)
Arcane Evil (-40% MP costs for Dark spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)
Seven Menace
Megido Nova
Sedna Prison
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Storm Rave
Abyss Gate
Yumil Magna
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)

Ice Spear
Spark Edge
Ignite Lore
Meteor Gate
Magna Volt
Fire Raid
Manafont* (gives ally roughly full MP)
Will of Magi* (heal 25% MP to ally run through)

Igraine is sort of a Dark version of Marie. Only trading infinite healing for second best damage in the game and the ability to take a magical beating decently. She fears ITD magic though. That HP is just so bad. 0.28 physical durability is worse than Arios, though better than Marie. A winning trade overall for Igraine, but "Marie Variant" isn't getting anyone out of Light. At worst, she has Persistence which should guarantee 25% odds she'll see a second turn, which is all she needs against most duelists. (That aren't resistant to dark or magic).

LVL   50
HP   266
MP   294
ATK   40
wATK   24
DEF   29
eDEF   36
MAG   102
MC   33
MOVE   7
AGI%   25
CTR%   0
ACC%   153
CRT%   77

Fuuma Kunai
Pochi Photo x4 (charges one half-level of OB for Shino or Izuna only, 5% for anyone else)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Rekka Slip: 437 (375 w/oWL) Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (25 MP)
Jinrai Slip: 373 (320 w/oWL) Thunder Magic dmg ranged MT (25 MP)
Physical: 80 ranged dmg
Physical w/ Honor Code x1, x2: 115, 150 ranged dmg
Critical: 176 (220, 264 w/HC1,2) ITD ranged dmg
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Ten'i Slip*: see FE Rescue Staff

Cheer Up!: Restores Izuna's HP and increases her OB gauge

Move +1
OB rate increase +25%
(6 wpn upgrades)

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Jinrai Slip
Rekka Slip
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Earth Shard (+20% dmg for Talisman skills)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Berserk (+25% Crit rate, -25% Acc)
Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)*
Ten'i Slip*

Shino is a Mage variant, despite being a Ninja. She has decent magical durability, crap physical durability, a magical 2HKO and hopes for evade to not die. She DOES actually have a ranged physical attack though, which is an option to fall back on that requires buffing and a crit to get any kind of registering damage out of, but it's there. Shino can use the Pochi Photo consumable that's unique to her and Izuna, but her OB is literally worthless outside of a team match with Izuna, so unlikely to see use. Lack of any good tricks prolly put her in Light. 

LVL   50
HP   364
MP   875
ATK   13
wATK   0
DEF   28
eDEF   36
MAG   96
MC   65
MOVE   6
AGI%   20
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Heimdal Gem
Lazuli Ring (+6 Mag) (+27 dmg to numbers)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Oratoriorae: 354 (304 w/o WL) Light magic dmg (105 MP)
Cure Drop: 80% mHP healing (35 MP) OR 65% mHP healing (28 MP @ Lv4)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)

Mass Blessing: MT ally healing 20/50/80% mHP

Innate +20% mMP

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Cardinal Lord
Cure Drop
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Arcane Light (-30% MP costs for Light spells)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Skill Options:
Healer > High Priest > Cardinal Lord
Cure Drop
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Arcane Light (-30% MP costs for Light spells)

Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Arrow Guard (-20% dmg from ranged physical attacks)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)
Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))

White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Holy Favor*
Prowess* (EXP gain +50%)

Laser Pope is probably the best healer Mage in the game. In the DL, she's got a high 3HKO, deep resources, good healing, 20% regen, status immunity and resistance, and ZOC for a nasty little trick on Melee range fighters. Her physical durability is not good, but it's not pitiful like most RoS mages, and her magical durability is damn high. Add in Arrow Guard for non Melee range physical fighters and you've got a better defensive package than most. Likely to survive a hit or two and that's enough for High Light.

LVL   50
HP   299
MP   491
ATK   42
wATK   0
DEF   59
eDEF   36
MAG   90
MC   50
MOVE   4
AGI%   0
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Oratoriorae: 336 (279 w/o WL, 392 w/Med, 449 w/both) Light magic dmg (105 MP)
Cure Drop: 80% mHP healing (35 MP) OR 65% mHP healing (28 MP @ Lv4)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Testament: 75% chance to restore status (15 MP)
Kaleido Cure: quickens status effect recovery time by 2/3/4 turns for all alies for the remainder of battle

Kaleido Cure: quickens status effect recovery time by 2/3/4 turns for all alies for the remainder of battle

Exp gain rate +50%
5% mHP Regen

Standard Skill Loadouts:
High Priest > Cardinal Lord
Cure Drop
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Stand Fast (+25% Def)
Invoke Mana (+75% max MP) (+75% max MP)
Arcane Light (-30% MP costs for Light spells)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)
Will of Magi* (heal 25% MP to ally run through)
Holy Favor*

Yumiluna is boring. She's a RoS healer with a 3HKO like Aegil, but less durability, no status immunity tricks, and only 5% regen. Too good for Puny, so she's not even hilariously bad. Light.

LVL   50
HP   480
MP   43
ATK   51
wATK   39
DEF   85
eDEF   36
MAG   40
MC   54
MOVE   9
AGI%   10
CTR%   10
ACC%   153
CRT%   0

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 178 (226 w/o Garrison) melee dmg + 50% mMP dmg + 30% reduced counter chance inflicted on enemy
Physical w/ Lion Rage x1,x2: 275, 373 (323, 421 w/o Garrison)
Counter:  57 melee dmg + inflict "Crazed": all stats 70%
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)

Rising Sun: Def and MC up 15/30/45% until unit's next turn

MC increase rate +1
Move +1
(6 wpn upgrades)

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)

Skill Options:
Templar > Chevalier
Duelist (+50% dmg when attacking a single target)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
High Barrier (MT Def+50% for 3 turns, can be refreshed)

Fortify (+50% Def, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Lion Rage (+50% Atk, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Desperation (MAX: -50% Def but grant ZOC for 3 turns, OR Lv3: -30% Def but grant ZOC for 2 turns, can be refreshed)

Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)

Cyclone (+25% Crit rate, -25% Def)

Empower (+50% Def, -40% Atk for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Holy Prayer (3 turns of status immunity, can be refreshed)

Simon is a pretty fun mix of Margus and Kay. He has Kay's MP depleting effect and anti-counter tricks. And he combines that with Margus' defense-buffing and infinite healing game. He also can boost his MC to 81 (aka status immunity) turn 1, so he's arguably better at it, were he more durable. He does have more damage than Margus, with a 6HKO, that he can buff like Kay. He also might be the only good user of Desperation for that temporary ZOC boost that'll drop his opponents stats enough that he might be able to overcome them. An interesting staller and stall-breaker. Middle will have fun with him.

LVL   50
HP   804
MP   181
ATK   115
wATK   47
DEF   31
eDEF   36
MAG   49
MC   71
MOVE   6
AGI%   20
CTR%   10
ACC%   75
CRT%   0

Musou Blade
Pochi Photo x4 (charges one half-level of OB for Shino or Izuna only, 5% for anyone else)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Rekka Slip: 199 Fire Magic dmg ranged MT (25 MP)
Jinrai Slip: 169 Thunder Magic dmg ranged MT (25 MP)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Physical: 351 melee dmg
Physical w/ Last Stand x1,x2: 451, 551
Counter: 148 melee dmg + inflict "Crazed": all stats 70%
Blade Blast: 920/ 1380/ 1840 melee dmg (kickass fire katana!)
Pochi Photo (charges one half-level of OB for Shino or Izuna only, and Shino's OB is useless, can stock up to 4)

Blade Blast: (6*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2 dmg fire katana attack melee range

Max HP + 20%

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Jinrai Slip
Rekka Slip
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Might (+25% Atk)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Invoke Life (+40% max HP)
Vital Power (20% regen)
Persistence (25% chance to survive attack with 1 HP)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Fearlessness (+50% dmg when attacking a 2nd or more target in one turn)
Ten'i Slip*

The Unemployed Ninja herself is a pretty durable and damaging unit, with her unique effect consumable Pochi Photo actually being pretty useful for her. Izuna might be the only unit who can both survive enough hits to see an OverBreak, AND have any use for it. Her Lv3 is te highest damage output in a single turn in the game, and while it may be tough for her to reach it, she has good durability and regen and can apply enough pressure with her physical that it's a good option for her. She also has magic damage as an option against the physically resistant, but it's not likely winning her any matches apart from letting her build up OB meter. Angelic Word and her naturally high MC means she's not fearing much from status slingers either. Persistence exists for a 25% chance at avoiding death in tiebreaks. A very High Middle or Low Heavy, I'd guess.

LVL   50
HP   217
MP   327
ATK   19
wATK   0
DEF   26
eDEF   36
MAG   88
MC   50
MOVE   5
AGI%   10
CTR%   0
ACC%   0
CRT%   0

True Sight
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Seven Menace: 421 (491 w/WL, 562 w/Med, 633 w/both) Dark Magic dmg ranged ST (60 MP)
Oratoriorae: 332 (387 w/WL, 443 w/Med, 499 w/both) Light Magic dmg, hits all targets in a line (150 MP)
Cure Drop: 80% mHP healing (50 MP) OR 65% mHP healing (40 MP @ Lv4)
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Hot Blood: Increase MC Gauge for all units in range by 20/30/40

Hot Blood: Increase MC Gauge for all units in range by 20/30/40

Dark Magic MP costs -20%
Max MP +20%

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Cardinal Lord
Seven Menace
Cure Drop
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Abyss Shard (+25% dmg for Dark spells)
Arcane Evil (-40% MP costs for Dark spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)
White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)

Skill Options:
High Priest > Cardinal Lord
Invoke Mind (+25% Mag)
Abyss Shard (+25% dmg for Dark spells)
Arcane Evil (-40% MP costs for Dark spells)
Torus Spell (20% MP regen)
Magic Guard (-20% dmg from spells)
Angelic Word (50% reduction to status hit rate)

Seven Menace
Cure Drop
Meditation (+50% Mag, -40% Def for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

White Light (50% chance to restore from negative status per turn)
Wisdom Lock (+25% Mag, -20% Def & Agi)

Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Abyss Gate
Abyss Ward (25% Dark res)

Holy Favor*
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

A Dark Healer. He's got Marie-like crap durability to physicals AND spells, which he can make even worse to bring his 3HKO dark damage up to a 2HKO. I have his default as slightly more defensive because if he can survive to a second turn, he can stall with his infinite healing and hope for an opening or to run his opponent out of resources. He really likes having that 20% MP regen. Doesn't get status immunity, but is decently resistant passively with his Skills. Has backup Light 3HKO for those that resist Dark, but his resources can't keep up pressure with that. Low Light.

LVL   50
HP   568
MP   48
ATK   54
wATK   42
DEF   58
eDEF   36
MAG   42
MC   74
MOVE   6
AGI%   27
CTR%   32
ACC%   125
CRT%   60

Mango Ring (+7% mHP)
Dragon Medal (+10 Acc%)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 184 melee dmg
Physical w/ Last Stand x1,x2: 257, 330 melee dmg
Critical: 324 (414, 506 w/LS1,2) ITD melee dmg
Counter: 162 (206, 252 w/LS1,2) ITD melee dmg + inflict "Crazed": all stats 70%
Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)

Union Soul: Transfer OB gauge to another unit in 4 range, transfers 20/50/90% gauge

Counterattacks become ITD

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)

Skill Options:
Highlander > Hyperion
Lateral Blow (+35% dmg when attacking from Side)
Revitalize (heal flat 300 HP)
Melee Guard (-20% dmg from melee attacks)

Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Foresight (+15% Agility)

Knight Codex (Raise MC +25)
Lateral Stab (+35% crit rate when attacking from Side)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)

Last Stand (+50% Atk, -3 Mov for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Karma Strike (+25% Counter damage)
Retaliation (+15% Counter Rate)

Stance Shift (+25% Counter rate, -25% Def)
Rook (+25% Def, -20% Counter rate)

Mount Guard (-20% dmg from mounted units)
Fierce Cry (-50% target’s OB gauge (Limit meter))
Garrison (+25% Def, -25% Atk)

Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Frontal Blow (+30% dmg when attacking from Front)
Fearlessness (+50% dmg when attacking a 2nd or more target in one turn)
Will of War* (heal 25% HP to ally run through)

Sort of a more anti-magical version of Altrius. She's solidly tanky in both flavors, has notable dodge and counter rates for pulling off Crazed spoiling and her counters are amusingly ITD so they actually register for damage. Her Crit rate is notably high so her high 6HKO is more of a 5HKO in practice, not to mention counters helping out. She has infinite healing to play a good stalling game and her naturally high MC is two turns from status immunity (less if she counters or uses Knight Codex). She has a unique and resource free Magic Defense buff that gives Mages fits, and the better of the attack buffing skills to break stalls and help chipping strategies. Against Melee and Mounted types, she tanks even better than her durability numbers suggest. A very solid package, probably Low Heavy.

LVL   50
HP   146
MP   8
ATK   34
wATK   35
DEF   37
eDEF   36
MAG   67
MC   25
MOVE   5
AGI%   42
CTR%   0
ACC%   214
CRT%   37

Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 83 (100 w/Daredevil) ranged dmg + 50% mMP dmg + 75% added effect "Sap": 10% mMP poison + 75% added effect "Clumsy": disables item use
Physical w/ Honor Code x1,x2: 110, 137 (127, 154 w/DD) ranged dmg + effects
Critical: 172 (193 w/DD) ITD ranged dmg + effects
Critical w/ Honor Code x1,x2: 206, 240 (227, 261 w/DD)
Hero: 290/ 435/ 580 ST 15-range physical dmg (5*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2
Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)

Hero: ST 15-range physical dmg (5*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2

Attack Range +1
Attack Range +1
(6 wpn upgrades)

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Strike Ranger
Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Sin Brand (75% chance to add “Sap”: 10% mMP poison per turn)
Mind Chains (75% chance to add “Clumsy”: can’t use items)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
*Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)*not set standard
True Arrows (+3 range for archers)*

Skill Options:
Hawk Eye > Strike Ranger
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Divine Seal (MT -50% Magic damage reduction for 3 turns, can be refreshed)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Honor Code (+40% Atk & Acc, -40% Def/Range for 3 turns, stacks 3x)
Cleanse (75% chance to restore status)

Sin Brand (75% chance to add “Sap”: 10% mMP poison per turn)
Mind Chains (75% chance to add “Clumsy”: can’t use items)
Sharpshot (+15% Accuracy)
Daredevil (+25% Atk, -20% Def)

True Arrows (+3 range for archers)*
Will of Magi* (heal 25% MP to ally run through)

I promised you Fail, and RoS delivered! While in-game, he's an RoS Archer (meaning awesome), his supreme range and mobility domination just doesn't translate. If you're feeling generous you can give him initiative for his threat range (in game he's never taking hits and is constantly contributing free damage til he builds his OB). Naji has a cool enough skillset, with an awesome Magic buff and a solid spoiling potential for anyone reliant on MP... But it just doesn't matter because he has the worst collective durability spread in a game that has an impressively frail collection of PCs, even when I handed out defense buffers all around. His hilarious .33 physical AND magical durability means he's not seeing a second turn anywhere. Even should he drain a mage's MP, their pitiful physical will probably still get the job done due to his amazing 12HKO. What an adorable child you have, RoS. Puny, but an interesting one!

LVL   50
HP   401
MP   17
ATK   73
wATK   50
DEF   50
eDEF   36
MAG   35
MC   79
MOVE   12
AGI%   35
CTR%   10
ACC%   95
CRT%   20

Black Ring (Mov+1)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)
Topaz Amulet (Def+18)

Physical: 211 (179 w/oBlind Rage) melee dmg + 50% mMP dmg + 30% reduced counter chance inflicted on enemy
Critical: 339 ITD melee dmg + effects
Counter:  99 melee dmg + inflict "Crazed": all stats 70%
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Ragnarok Dusk: 378/ 567/ 756 MT Line target ranged contact physical (3.5*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2

Ragnarok Dusk: MT Line target ranged contact physical (3.5*Atk-Def)*OB, OB=1/1.5/2

Status Immunity

Standard Skill Loadouts:
Obsidian Dragoon
Arc Charge (Raise OB gauge +35% of a meter)
Frontal Fury (-30% enemy Counter rate when attacking from Front)
Vital Strike (+15% Crit Rate)
Mana Break (-50% mMP in addition to regular attack)
Lion Strike (OB gain rate +50%)
Foresight (+15% Agility)
Blind Rage (+25% Atk, -25% Acc)
Mount Guard (-20% dmg from mounted units)
Null ZOC (Only useful against other RoS characters)
Sprint* (+3 Mov)

Finishing up the cast, we have the game's late joining prepromo who comes fully equipped right out of the box. Decent durability, a 4HKO with his crit rate, high threat range, MP depleting game, a good OB that he can charge quickly enough with Lion Strike and Arc Charge, spoiling Mounted units' damage, and some dodge and counter rates that might see use sometimes. A solidly Middle duelist.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 11:01:39 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2014, 04:08:02 PM »
Margus   823
Izuna   804
Alhambra   737
Kay   715
Serdic   700
Alicia   568
Ansom   518
Simon   480
Altrius   465
Cotton   412
Alberich   401
Owl   387
Aegil   364
Sasha   355
Rukia   327
Elmer   325
Yumiluna   299
Selmer   273
Shino   266
Galahad   217
Arios   164
Naji   146
Igraine   138
Marie   136

Izuna   162
Serdic   155
Ansom   144
Alberich   123
Kay   122
Altrius   121
Sasha   98
Alicia   96
Simon   90
Margus   86
Alhambra   86
Owl   74
Naji   69
Shino   64
Rukia   50
Yumiluna   42
Galahad   19
Selmer   18
Cotton   16
Elmer   13
Aegil   13
Arios   9
Marie   8
Igraine   7

Margus   150
Altrius   140
Simon   121
Kay   109
Serdic   103
Yumiluna   95
Alicia   94
Alberich   86
Selmer   83
Alhambra   83
Sasha   73
Naji   73
Ansom   72
Rukia   69
Izuna   67
Cotton   65
Elmer   65
Shino   65
Aegil   64
Galahad   62
Owl   58
Igraine   51
Marie   50
Arios   44

Serdic   49
Altrius   56
Marie   108
Kay   40
Margus   47
Selmer   97
Sasha   67
Ansom   16
Owl   48
Cotton   97
Alhambra   42
Rukia   36
Elmer   93
Arios   136
Igraine   120
Shino   102
Aegil   96
Yumiluna   90
Simon   40
Izuna   49
Galahad   88
Alicia   42
Naji   67
Alberich   35

1140   Arios
661   Igraine
529   Selmer
521   Ansom
496   Serdic
482   Cotton
437   Shino
421   Galahad
407   Elmer
392   Marie
390   Alhambra
367   Kay
364   Altrius
354   Aegil
351   Izuna
336   Yumiluna
286   Sasha
259   Owl
211   Alberich
184   Alicia
178   Simon
137   Rukia
129   Margus
83   Naji
2.5 Killpoint: 949.475

HP:   418
MP:   268
bATK:   45
wATK:   25
ATK:   70
bDEF:   44
eDEF:   37
DEF:   81
MAG:   69
MOVE:   6.38
Damage:   379.79
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 10:32:06 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2014, 04:13:09 PM »
Boss Notes:
(Images now because it will save me time later)

Gauss (Route B Final)

Level   50
HP   999
MP   27
ATK   89
DEF   69
MAG   53
MOV   6
MC   99

Innate: 50% dmg reduction to everything (except Holy Sword)
Innate: 100% critical (1.5x ITD physical attack) on counterattacks
Apocalypse: OB 3 (roughly 400 dmg) drain HP from all in range
Anrah Sword
Griffin Ring
Gold Ring
Red Ring
Green Ring

Melee Guard 5
Mount Guard 5
Menacer 5
Invoke Life 5
Null ZOC 5

*to be updated, maybe*
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 11:33:27 AM by DjinnAndTonic »


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Re: Rondo of Swords (PCs)
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2014, 05:11:12 AM »
Chatted with Djinn about this, but some better tables for Defense & Magic Defense, notably including a multiplier for translating subtractive defense to multiplicative defense as well as Physical durabilities / Magical durabilities.

Since certain tanky characters can null weak attacks entirely (which they should be rewarded for) but still be damaged by really tough enemies, I used a "basket" of 5 enemies.  Total damage from all enemies was then compared to the average of the totals to get the divisor.  For physical durability, according to Djinn, final map archers have 54+30 attack; a weaker melee mook has 70+30; a stronger one has 70+58; and Gauss has 89+80.  (The first figure is character attack, the second figure is weapon attack.)  I assumed 2 archers, 2 melee mooks (1 weak weapon & 1 strong weapon), and Gauss all attack, the melee / Gauss types attacked from the side, and that no skills were in play (so no credit for Arrow Guard / Melee Guard for the PCs, or any rare enemy skills like Lateral Blow etc.).

For magic damage, I used a 3-mage basket.  Assumption was a 60 MAG mage with Storm Rave (120 power), a 65 MAG Bishop with Oratoriorae (150 power), and [skilless] route-A Ernest (the mage thunder general guy) with 100 MAG and Seven Menace (150 power) zap our heroes.  This is important since only Ernest can actually deal damage to Arios and prove he isn't actually magic immune, just incredibly incredibly resilient to magic.  Also, unlike the less-reliable in the DL Melee / Mount / Arrow Guard, Magic Guard *is* baked into these numbers for the characters who can equip it, since it really is just an MDef boost.  [Elemental defense, a la Abyss Ward, was NOT included.]   Note also that ITD magic does exist in RoS like Sedna Prison, so RoS magic defense isn't perfect.

Also, 40% of 418 average HP is 167, and my physical basket is 158 damage on average, and my magic basket is 191 damage on average.  (And high-powered magic is apparently what still kills you at end-game.)  So the in-game / DL damage scales for "average" are not too different.

Physical & Magical durability were calculated the usual way - (HP / average HP) / (Defense dmg multiplier).

Defense / Physical Durability
1.  0.54 Margus    (Def: 150, PDur: 3.65)
2.  0.60 Altrius    (Def: 140, PDur: 1.86)
3.  0.73 Simon    (Def: 121, PDur: 1.58)
4.  0.81 Kay    (Def: 109, PDur: 2.12)
5.  0.85 Serdic    (Def: 103, PDur: 1.97)
6.  0.91 Yumiluna    (Def: 95, PDur: 0.79)
7.  0.91 Alicia    (Def: 94, PDur: 1.50)
8.  0.96 Alberich    (Def: 86, PDur: 1.00)
9.  0.99 Alhambra    (Def: 83, PDur: 1.79)
10. 0.99 Selmer    (Def: 83, PDur: 0.66)
11. 1.05 Sasha    (Def: 73, PDur: 0.81)
12. 1.05 Naji    (Def: 73, PDur: 0.33)
13. 1.06 Ansom    (Def: 72, PDur: 1.17)
14. 1.08 Rukia    (Def: 69, PDur: 0.73)
15. 1.09 Izuna    (Def: 67, PDur: 1.77)
16. 1.11 Cotton    (Def: 65, PDur: 0.89)
17. 1.11 Elmer    (Def: 65, PDur: 0.70)
18. 1.11 Shino    (Def: 65, PDur: 0.57)
19. 1.11 Aegil    (Def: 64, PDur: 0.79)
20. 1.13 Galahad    (Def: 62, PDur: 0.46)
21. 1.15 Owl    (Def: 58, PDur: 0.81)
22. 1.20 Igraine    (Def: 51, PDur: 0.28)
23. 1.21 Marie    (Def: 50, PDur: 0.27)
24. 1.25 Arios    (Def: 44, PDur: 0.31)

Magic Defense / Magic Durability
1.  0.13 Arios    (EDef: 36, Mag: 136, MDur: 3.02)*
2.  0.27 Igraine    (EDef: 36, Mag: 120, MDur: 1.22)*
3.  0.49 Marie    (EDef: 36, Mag: 108, MDur: 0.66)
4.  0.54 Aegil    (EDef: 36, Mag: 96, MDur: 1.61)*
5.  0.58 Elmer    (EDef: 36, Mag: 93, MDur: 1.34)*
6.  0.58 Shino    (EDef: 36, Mag: 102, MDur: 1.10)
7.  0.61 Yumiluna    (EDef: 36, Mag: 90, MDur: 1.17)*
8.  0.62 Cotton    (EDef: 45, Mag: 97, MDur: 1.59)
9.  0.64 Galahad    (EDef: 36, Mag: 88, MDur: 0.81)*
10. 0.65 Selmer    (EDef: 36, Mag: 97, MDur: 1.00)
11. 1.07 Sasha    (EDef: 36, Mag: 67, MDur: 0.79)
12. 1.07 Naji    (EDef: 36, Mag: 67, MDur: 0.33)
13. 1.18 Altrius    (EDef: 43, Mag: 56, MDur: 0.94)
14. 1.19 Kay    (EDef: 36, Mag: 40, MDur: 1.44)*
15. 1.28 Serdic    (EDef: 43, Mag: 49, MDur: 1.31)
16. 1.32 Margus    (EDef: 41, Mag: 47, MDur: 1.49)
17. 1.33 Izuna    (EDef: 36, Mag: 49, MDur: 1.45)
18. 1.34 Owl    (EDef: 36, Mag: 48, MDur: 0.69)
19. 1.43 Alhambra    (EDef: 36, Mag: 42, MDur: 1.23)
20. 1.43 Alicia    (EDef: 36, Mag: 42, MDur: 0.95)
21. 1.45 Simon    (EDef: 36, Mag: 40, MDur: 0.79)
22. 1.47 Rukia    (EDef: 41, Mag: 36, MDur: 0.53)
23. 1.53 Alberich    (EDef: 36, Mag: 35, MDur: 0.63)
24. 1.79 Ansom    (EDef: 36, Mag: 16, MDur: 0.69)

* Has the Magic Guard skill, factored in.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 04:34:32 AM by SnowFire »